Need the latest drivers for your video card? This might help



If you're like me and you're using an outdated version of Ubuntu, you might be interested in getting the latest drivers for your video card or just getting drivers if there were no drivers available by default to begin with.

Video cards are an important and integral part of any modern computer. They help render the graphics on your screen (ie. windows, buttons) so that your CPU doesn't have to, insuring smooth operation for your entire system. With that being said, let's begin. These instructions are very simple and after you complete them, you'll have the latest drivers for your video card.

1. Go to Software Sources.
2. Add the Ubuntu-X PPA to your third party software sources. Just click the add button and copy paste "ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates" to the APT line.
3. Go to and copy all the text beginning from "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" to "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" (include them in your copying). Then create a new file called "ubuntux.key", open it with a text editor and paste the text you copied into that file. Save it.
3. Go to the Authentication tab in Software Sources and click Import Key File. Select the file you created earlier.
4. Go to Update Manager and check for updates. Install any updates available and you should now have the latest drivers for your video card (maybe after a restart).

If there were no drivers available for you in Hardware Drivers/Additional Drivers in the first place, then you may notice that you still don't have drivers installed for your video card even after doing all that. In that case, go to Hardware Drivers/Additional Drivers. You should now see drivers available for your video card. Install them and you should now have drivers installed for your video card.

*facepalm* I wish I had read this thread earlier. I sorted the issue now though.

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