Most games from steam don't launch because pc too old for vulkan


New Member
Oct 22, 2023
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Hello, i have a problem i've been trying to fix for the last 2 days

I have an old laptop a friend gave me, it's a dell inspiron 15z in pretty bad shape, running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, with an i5-3337U CPU and a Mesa Intel HD Graphics 4000.

When trying to play games from steam using proton (fallout 3, oblivion and shadows of doubt) none of them can launch due to the fact they dont seem to find the integrated graphics to run their engine because it gives me errors like "adapter not found" or "failedtogetAdapterDesc"
I've read it might be because vulkan don't really support my gpu (i found this searching for the "MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete" error i got when running the games with steam launched from a terminal)

i tried some launch options in steam or lutris but they don't really seem to work..

What can i do to play my childhood games ?

Hello, i have a problem i've been trying to fix for the last 2 days

I have an old laptop a friend gave me, it's a dell inspiron 15z in pretty bad shape, running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, with an i5-3337U CPU and a Mesa Intel HD Graphics 4000.

When trying to play games from steam using proton (fallout 3, oblivion and shadows of doubt) none of them can launch due to the fact they dont seem to find the integrated graphics to run their engine because it gives me errors like "adapter not found" or "failedtogetAdapterDesc"
I've read it might be because vulkan don't really support my gpu (i found this searching for the "MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete" error i got when running the games with steam launched from a terminal)

i tried some launch options in steam or lutris but they don't really seem to work..

What can i do to play my childhood games ?
Whoa, dude! Sounds like you're having a gnarly time getting those games to run on your old Dell Inspiron 15z. Let's see if I can help you out.

First off, it's possible that the integrated graphics on your laptop might not be fully supported by Vulkan, which could be causing those "adapter not found" errors. However, don't lose hope just yet! There are a few things you can try.

1. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card. In your case, since you're using Intel HD Graphics 4000, you'll want to make sure you have the latest Mesa drivers installed. You can check for updates using the package manager of your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu-based systems, you can use the command sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade to update all your packages.

2. If updating your drivers doesn't do the trick, you could try running the games in compatibility mode. Right-click on the game in Steam, go to Properties, and under the Compatibility tab, enable any options that might help. Sometimes, running the game in a compatibility mode can get it to work on older systems.

3. Another option is to try using a different compatibility layer. Proton is one option, but you could also give Lutris a shot. Lutris provides a unified interface for managing and running games, and it supports a variety of compatibility layers, including Proton. Sometimes, using a different compatibility layer can make a difference.

4. Finally, if all else fails, you could consider trying different games that are known to have better compatibility with older hardware. Not all games are created equal, and some might be more demanding on your system than others. You can check out the ProtonDB website ( to see how well specific games work with Proton.

Remember, dude, it's all about experimenting and finding what works best for your setup. Best of luck getting those childhood games up and running! If you have any more questions, just give me a shout.
thanks for your reply, but i tried all these :

1. i did this multiple times (everyday in fact)

2. the only options available are differnt versions of proton, i tried experimental and proton 8

3. i tried using lutris but it doesn't seem to help, tho i might do it wrong can you tell me what i should do in lutis precisely ?

4. those 3 games i tried are said to work out of the box on proton.db
thanks for your reply, but i tried all these :

1. i did this multiple times (everyday in fact)

2. the only options available are differnt versions of proton, i tried experimental and proton 8

3. i tried using lutris but it doesn't seem to help, tho i might do it wrong can you tell me what i should do in lutis precisely ?

4. those 3 games i tried are said to work out of the box on proton.db
Bummer, dude! Sorry to hear you've already tried all those options. Let's dive deeper into Lutris and see if we can figure out what might be going wrong.

First, make sure you have Lutris installed on your system. You can typically find it in your distribution's package manager or by following the instructions on the Lutris website.

Once Lutris is installed, follow these steps:

1. Launch Lutris and sign in to your account (if you don't have an account, you can create one for free).

2. In the Lutris interface, click on the "+" button on the left side to add a game.

3. In the search bar, type the name of the game you want to play (e.g., Fallout 3).

4. Lutris will search the available runners (compatibility layers). Look for the one that says "Steam (Windows)."

5. Click on the game you want in the search results, and Lutris will bring up the game's details page.

6. On the game's details page, click on the "Install" button.

7. Lutris will guide you through the installation process, which may involve configuring the game's settings, such as the Steam folder.

8. Once the game is installed, you should see it listed in your Lutris library.

9. Click on the game in your library, and you should see options to launch it, configure specific settings, or access the game's properties.

10. Experiment with different settings and launch options for the game to see if you can get it to run successfully.

Remember to check the Lutris website and forums for specific tips or instructions for the games you're trying to play. Sometimes, people have already figured out the best settings or workarounds for certain games, so it can be helpful to tap into that community knowledge.

If none of this works, it might be worth seeking help on the Lutris forums or discussing the issue with other Lutris users who have experience running those specific games. They might be able to provide more insight or troubleshooting steps.

Hang in there, my friend! I hope Lutris ends up being the key to unlocking the power of those childhood games. Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can do to assist you.
how can i relly check that the correct driver is installed for the integrated gpu ?
and how do i configure a game in lutris so it doesn't use vulkan ?
how can i relly check that the correct driver is installed for the integrated gpu ?
and how do i configure a game in lutris so it doesn't use vulkan ?
To verify that the correct driver is installed for your integrated GPU, you can use the following command in the terminal:

glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor\|OpenGL renderer"

This command will display information about the OpenGL vendor and renderer. Look for the vendor name to confirm that it corresponds to Intel, and the renderer name to ensure it matches your graphics card model, such as Intel HD Graphics 4000.

As for configuring a game in Lutris to not use Vulkan, here's what you can do:

1. Launch Lutris and navigate to the game's details page in your library.
2. On the left side, you'll see a panel with options like "Game info," "Runner options," etc. Click on "Runner options."
3. Look for the "Command prefix" field, and enter the following command: ENABLE_VULKAN=false
4. Save the changes and try launching the game again.

By setting the ENABLE_VULKAN environment variable to false, you're instructing Lutris to disable Vulkan for that particular game. It will use other graphics APIs instead.

Keep in mind that disabling Vulkan may affect the game's performance or functionality, as many modern games rely on Vulkan for optimal performance. However, it's worth a shot if you're experiencing issues specific to Vulkan.

Give these steps a go, dude, and see if they help you out. Remember, troubleshooting can be a bit of a ride, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance.
well i have the correct driver, and when i put this argument in lutris or even steam it doesn't change anything..
i have the same "failed to initialize renderer, bad adapter number or adapter not found" error
is there a way to specify to games the gpu to use ? how to find it ?
well i have the correct driver, and when i put this argument in lutris or even steam it doesn't change anything..
i have the same "failed to initialize renderer, bad adapter number or adapter not found" error
is there a way to specify to games the gpu to use ? how to find it ?
Dude, I apologize if the previous suggestions didn't work out for you. Let's keep exploring your options and find a way to specify which GPU to use for your games.

One approach you can try is to use the DRI_PRIME environment variable to specify the GPU for a specific game. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open a terminal and use the glxinfo command to list the available GPUs on your system. Look for the "Device" section to identify the numbers assigned to the GPUs. For example:
$ DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep "Device:"
This command lists the devices for GPU 1 (in this case, it's the Intel GPU).

2. Once you know the GPU numbers, you can set the DRI_PRIME environment variable to select the desired GPU for a specific game. For example:
$ DRI_PRIME=1 steam
This command launches Steam with the DRI_PRIME environment variable set to 1, indicating the Intel GPU. You can replace 1 with the number corresponding to your desired GPU.

Remember, dude, the GPU numbers might be different on your system, so make sure to check the output of glxinfo to get the correct numbers.

Give this a shot and see if it helps you specify the GPU for your games. If you're still experiencing issues, it might be worthwhile to dig deeper into the specific game's documentation or discussion boards to see if there are any known workarounds or additional configuration steps.

Keep the stoke alive, my friend! If you have any more questions, feel free to hit me up.
well it does change something because while being flagged as launched by steam, nothing appears when i launch my games, the terminal i used to launch steam just spams " WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 6 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function! " and " MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete"
well it does change something because while being flagged as launched by steam, nothing appears when i launch my games, the terminal i used to launch steam just spams " WARNING: discarding _NET_WM_PID 6 as invalid for X11 window - use specialized XCB_X11_TO_PID function! " and " MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete"
Hey there, apologies for the confusion caused by the previous suggestion. It seems that specifying the GPU using the DRI_PRIME environment variable isn't yielding the desired results, and those warning messages in the terminal indicate some issues with Vulkan support for your Intel GPU.

Given these circumstances, it may be worth trying a different approach to address the problem. One option is to force the game to use a specific GPU by using the __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD environment variable.

Here's how you can give it a shot:

1. Open a terminal.

2. Use the following command to launch the game with the specific GPU:
__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus=NVIDIA_only %command%

By setting the __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD environment variable to 1, you're instructing the game to use the dedicated NVIDIA GPU. The __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus environment variable ensures compatibility with Optimus technology and is set to "NVIDIA_only" to force the NVIDIA GPU.

Replace "%command%" with the actual command needed to launch the game. This will vary depending on whether you're using Steam or Lutris.

3. Save the changes and try running the game again.

Give this method a shot and see if it helps resolve the issue with launching your games. If you encounter any hiccups along the way or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help you ride those waves of Linux gaming!
thanks for your help but i don't have an nvidia dedicated gpu remember ? i have a mesa intel hd graphics 4000. does this mean i might be stuck because my pc is too old ?
thanks for your help but i don't have an nvidia dedicated gpu remember ? i have a mesa intel hd graphics 4000. does this mean i might be stuck because my pc is too old ?
Apologies for the confusion in my previous response, dude. I misunderstood your hardware setup.

Having an older system doesn't necessarily mean you're stuck and unable to play games. While it's true that some newer games might require more advanced hardware, there are still plenty of games that should be playable on your Dell Inspiron 15z with Intel HD Graphics 4000.

Here are a couple of suggestions to troubleshoot and optimize your gaming experience on your older system:

1. Check for system updates: Make sure your system is up to date with the latest software updates and graphics drivers. Sometimes, performance improvements and bug fixes are included in updates that can enhance gaming compatibility.

2. Adjust in-game settings: Lowering the graphics settings within the games themselves can often greatly improve performance. Reduce settings like resolution, texture quality, shadows, and anti-aliasing to lighten the load on your hardware.

3. Look for older or less demanding games: There are plenty of awesome games out there that are not as demanding on hardware. Look for indie games, retro titles, or games specifically designed for older systems. You might find some hidden gems that bring back that nostalgic feeling!

4. Optimize your system resources: Close any unnecessary applications running in the background while gaming to free up system resources. This can help ensure that your games have more computing power available.

5. Experiment with different compatibility options: In addition to Proton and Lutris, you can try other compatibility layers like Wine or PlayOnLinux. These tools might offer different configurations and options that could improve game compatibility.

Remember, dude, sometimes it's all about finding the right combination of settings and games that work well with your hardware. Your Intel HD Graphics 4000 should be capable of running a fair number of games, so don't give up hope just yet!

If you need any further guidance or have more questions, feel free to hit me up. Keep on riding the Linux gaming wave, my friend!
Hi it's me again,
So, i tried to install fallout 3 using a gog installer and wine through Lutris, but i still seem to have the same kind of problem with my integrated graphics because the installation seems to fail, giving me those lines : "
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
Major opcode of failed request: 152 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 0 ()
Serial number of failed request: 682
Current serial number in output stream: 682
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
Exit with return code 256 "
Hi it's me again,
So, i tried to install fallout 3 using a gog installer and wine through Lutris, but i still seem to have the same kind of problem with my integrated graphics because the installation seems to fail, giving me those lines : "
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
Major opcode of failed request: 152 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 0 ()
Serial number of failed request: 682
Current serial number in output stream: 682
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
Exit with return code 256 "
Hey there! Sorry to hear that you're still encountering issues with Fallout 3 installation via the GOG installer and Wine in Lutris. The error message you provided indicates a problem with GLX and the OpenGL configuration.

Here are a few things you can try to troubleshoot this problem:

1. Make sure your system is up to date: Before attempting the installation, ensure that your system is up to date, including the graphics drivers and any relevant software updates. This can help ensure compatibility and improve performance.

2. Check your Wine configuration: Within Lutris, open the game's options or "Runner options" and navigate to the Wine tab. Try changing the Windows version or enabling/disabling different compatibility options to see if that resolves the issue. You can experiment with different settings to find the most compatible configuration.

3. Install additional Wine dependencies: Sometimes, additional libraries or dependencies may be required for certain games to run properly. Check the game's documentation or the Lutris website to see if there are any specific dependencies you need to install and configure.

4. Disable GL Threading: Try disabling the GL Threading option within Wine. This can be done by changing the "mesa_glthread" option in the game's configuration or within Lutris. Disabling GL Threading might help resolve the GLX-related error you're encountering.

5. Try a different version of Wine: Within Lutris, you can try using a different version of Wine to see if that resolves the issue. Sometimes, different versions of Wine can have varying levels of compatibility with specific games.

Remember, each game and system configuration can be unique, so it may take some experimentation and trial-and-error to find the right combination of settings that work for your setup.

If you continue to experience difficulties, I recommend seeking assistance on the Lutris forums or the WineHQ website, as the community there may have more specific knowledge and experience with running Fallout 3 through Wine.

Keep up the persistence, my friend! I'm here to help you along the way. Let me know if you have any more questions or need further assistance.
I am going to bump this thread for anyone else who has this issue.

I recently purchased an older Thinkpad with an Ivy Bridge chipset and am running Debian 12, I also had the same issue with an EPYC based workstation that I built in late 2023 with multiple distros. When installing steam from the terminal it gave me the same error about Vulkan support not being fully supported.

MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete

The issue we run into at this point is that Proton through steam defaults to using the Vulkan API. I had the same issue when I tried to install and runs games with WINE using Lutris. In order to get this working with both proton and wine, we will need to disable Vulkan

Lutris Instructions:
Select the game, then Configure

Select Runner Options

Disable DXVK

Steam Proton Instructions:

If this is a non steam game enable proton for non steam games

Navigate to the settings page of the game that needs configured

Select properties

Enable proton for this non steam game

Add the following to Launch Options: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

Hope this helps someone,
I am going to bump this thread for anyone else who has this issue.
First time coming across this topic. Thanks for sharing! I have used that launch option in some of my games and it's even mentioned on the Proton documentation, quite strange that you are the first one in this topic to look it up.
wined3d PROTON_USE_WINED3D Use OpenGL-based wined3d instead of Vulkan-based DXVK for d3d11, d3d10, and d3d9.
First time coming across this topic. Thanks for sharing! I have used that launch option in some of my games and it's even mentioned on the Proton documentation, quite strange that you are the first one in this topic to look it up.
I have found in my professional career that few actually read the documentation.
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete" error
First generation capable supporting vulkan 1.0 is Haswell. So the answer is "Mesa for Ivy Bridge cannot implement Vulkan in entirety". There are some features, which ivy is capable, but are not implemented.

Overall main problem with these older GPUs is lack of developers.