How to install Tar.xz files on Ubuntu


New Member
Nov 23, 2023
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how can someone write down the basic line of instruction how install a Tar.xz, in terminal.

i have the file in Downloads.

Hi Welcome to the forum.
It deepens on what the program is. Some programs you just have unzip them Other require installs.
let us know what it is and maybe we can of more help.
Use the archive manager to un-compress the file. then look for read me file or install instructions.
If it like say Firefox you can simple un-compress and run it directly from the uncopressed file.
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tar -xvf will extract the compressed tar file.

tar -xvf mycompressed.tar.xz

In Linux a file can run from any directory.
Do you have root privileges on this system? Do you want only run to run these?
Do you want all users to run these? Do you want only yourself to run these?

Usually, if a file is for everyone to run... there are specific places Linux admins
put these. /usr/local is common. /usr/share is also common.

If you want only people with admin privileges, then /root is sometimes used.
/srv/bin is another common place.

You can run anything from anywhere, but just extract it where it make sense.

Sometimes you have to change ownership and executable permissions on files.
how can someone write down the basic line of instruction how install a Tar.xz, in terminal.

i have the file in Downloads.
Usually, but not always, after the tar.xz file has been untarred and decompressed, there are files named README and INSTALL in the main directory created by the decompression, which will usually propose or provide instructions for installation, provide details about dependencies and have some text about whatever the developer thinks might be useful to include. Some of these files can be detailed, but some can be terse, but all can be worth reading and they may provide the answers on how to install that particular software. Sometimes however, these files don't exist, or the information in them is unclear, so one is left to research the matter.
Welcome to the Forum.

I think this is what you're looking for...
Such files acquired from Github and other such places could be an adventure. Some of them do not come with Makefile. Must then look for configure script, which should be executed first to generate the Makefile. In the process of running configure it might error out requesting dependencies. This could be irritating. For example, the other day I tried to compile "snappy-player" for Debian and failed because the program is over 10 years old. :O However this program is available in the standard Arch Linux repositories. It's a good thing I found Deadbeef, it's just a better music player... especially to summon with "Play some music" button on Raven from Budgie desktop. <3

Some of these packages to "install" will require a minimum version of GLIBC as I've experienced trying to create the "file-qoi" plug-in for GIMP and the viewer thumbnail creator for Files and Eye of GNOME. Cannot have Debian "Bullseye", must be "Bookworm" because that has header files for "libpng" and for "gimp-dot-h". For some reason those aren't carried by "Bullseye". Otherwise this is dead easy to compile.

(Eh, what is "file-qoi", you might ask? What is QOI? It's an image format similar to PNG, now supported by QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.9 and later.)


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