Sound Problem after fresh base Arch Install (SOLVED)

@brickwizard and @captain-sensible, okay so this took some reading and sadly the solution was simple (once I understood). So I did the following:
From Terminal:
1. sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa
2. reboot
3. sudo pacam -S pavucontrol

From Awesome Window Manager:
1. Super R to open run prompt and run pavucontrol
2. On the opening tab (playback) I could see audio playing (I left a youtube video playing prior to)
3. Click Output Devices and while speakers were selected the "built in Audio Analog Stereo was muted.
4. Click the speaker icon to unmute and sound works as it should.

I looked in ALSA and everything looked correct, nothing was muted so there must have been something there I was missing. I would like to know just for learning. While this corrected the issue and resolved the problem I just wanted to update everyone and ensure I put good instructions here for the next person who may have this same issue.

@brickwizard Should I go back to the original post to mark it as SOLVED sir?

Should I go back to the original post to mark it as SOLVED sir?
well done .. if you are sure this has cured the problem then please do mark it solved.


off topic.. hows the wife getting on with her linux computer?
@brickwizard and @captain-sensible, okay so this took some reading and sadly the solution was simple (once I understood). So I did the following:
From Terminal:
1. sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa
2. reboot
3. sudo pacam -S pavucontrol

From Awesome Window Manager:
1. Super R to open run prompt and run pavucontrol
2. On the opening tab (playback) I could see audio playing (I left a youtube video playing prior to)
3. Click Output Devices and while speakers were selected the "built in Audio Analog Stereo was muted.
4. Click the speaker icon to unmute and sound works as it should.

I looked in ALSA and everything looked correct, nothing was muted so there must have been something there I was missing. I would like to know just for learning. While this corrected the issue and resolved the problem I just wanted to update everyone and ensure I put good instructions here for the next person who may have this same issue.

@brickwizard Should I go back to the original post to mark it as SOLVED sir?
when you want to try and install some pkg from AUR manually you can test my upstream/ arch aur submission sometime for me
well done .. if you are sure this has cured the problem then please do mark it solved.


off topic.. hows the wife getting on with her linux computer?
i am posative, and she is doing okay but to be honest I think I should have installed like Mint vice Ubuntu for her. She is trying to learn to use the KadenLive video editing software. She just uses the computer me I try to break it learn and break it again but I stay off hers for that reason lol.... To Mark it solved I just add that in the title right?
Okay sure
ok its here : my upstream code is here if your good at python :

once installed you launch with : sudo fetchmirrorsgui and see a gui as in image. To get it to write fastest mirrors in descending order click radio button 3 on right, then your Country from drop down, then process button. To install an AUR manually , you need to gave git installed. Then on AUR page for pkg you click where it says to copy. Into a shell terminal you paste eg ctl + shift + V , then add git clone so for my AUR, with terminal in context of being in at location ~ , you will want to see :

git clone

Then hit return button, that will install a directory in your hoem directory, cd into it and run command (as normal user not root) :

makepkg -s

if it works you should see something like : fetchmirrorsgui-1.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst in the fetchmirrorsgui directory. To install that and any .zst pkg you use :

sudo pacman -U fetchmirrorsgui-1.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

That should give you something to play with maybe over xmas

to see what it does look at /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


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