VMware Linux Guest AMD Driver help



Hi guys iam fairly new to linux but i did learn a lot of things about linux so iam familiar with linux functioning,architecture and its cmdline interface.

I installed Debian Squeeze which i upgraded to wheezy recently.

My Specs:
----------HOST--------------------------- ---GUEST
CPU : AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE ----- 2 Cores used
RAM: 4gb corsair --------------------------1 GB used
GPU: AMD HD 6850------------------3-D acceleration enabled
Successfully installed vmware-tools

As u can see my config is good enough to run vmware based linux OS yet my debian is sluggish sometimes.
So i disabled Nepomuk which improved performance considerably.

I changed some appearance setting and i can see some stutter and high cpu than usaual.

can u guys plzzz help me to run my debian machine without any issues.

Can graphics driver improve performance?
Does VMware setups allow AMD driver installation?

when i used
$ lspci -nn | grep VGA
My VGA card was not listed instead some SVGA card was listed which is related to VMware.
Because i tried to install AMD drivers but i failed in all attempts so i reverted back to xorg.
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If Debian is in the VM then no you cannot install AMD drivers for it. The best option is probably getting all the Virtualbox guest utilities installed. Nepomuk makes me think of KDE so changing to a smaller DE would also help. For example LXDE or razor-QT. I think 2d acceleration would be better then 3d acceleration also. You can try switching to see if any improvements are made.
