How to get drivers.



I have been using ubuntu desktop 12.x for some time. The wifi does not work properly apparently due to some driver issue. How do I get new drivers for my hardware? Does the manufacturer provide drivers?

Usually the drivers are in the repository, and then all you have to do install them.
Since you stated that the wifi doesn't work properly but (you implied it) does work nonetheless, I would cross reference the module being used for it (can be found out by running `lspci -v', preferably as root) with google, and see if there's any common issues with it, or if there's an updated version.

Manufactures rarely provide drivers directly (ie, for linux. It's more common for them to contribute the code/modules that make their hardware run to the linux kernel. For the people who have download pages for drivers for linux, they are usually really nice (convenience), or really mean (proprietary/closed source crap).
I have been using ubuntu desktop 12.x for some time. The wifi does not work properly apparently due to some driver issue. How do I get new drivers for my hardware? Does the manufacturer provide drivers?

If you are using ubuntu 12.x, go to unity dash and type restricted drivers.
There you will find the driver for wifi deactivated. Activate that, (you will need a net connection for this though) and then check whether your wifi is working fine or not (obviously after a restart).
