ELANTech touchpad working only sporadically with Debian 12


New Member
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
relevant info:
  • my laptop is a HP Pavilion from 2020(? i think), model number hp laptop 15 dy-2073dx (according to the stuff on the underside LOL) (is that relevant? i don't know)
  • my linux distro is Debian 12
  • i have been using linux since November 3, so i do not often know what i'm doing yet
  • the touchpad does show up when i run
    cat /proc/bus/input/devices
    , but i don't see an driver that seems like it's for the ELANTech touchpad (emphasis intentional) when i run
    xinput list
  • i will attach the relevant sections of both inputs below:
cat /proc/bus/input/devices
Screenshot from 2023-11-21 16-55-27.png

xinput list
Screenshot from 2023-11-21 16-57-48.png

please let me know if you need any other information!!

also i am aware that this could be a ~simple hardware issue, but i want to try and see if it's a driver issue first. :)
It appears the laptop is running xwayland, rather than X, which I'm not familiar with yet. However, if it was in X, then there would be a few things to try, in particular, by having a look at https://wiki.debian.org/LibinputTouchpad, and then the man page for libinput where there are a number of options available to adjust the configuration, in particular the Option "AccelSpeed" <...>, variable which can have some affect on this sort of issue in my experience.
It appears the laptop is running xwayland, rather than X, which I'm not familiar with yet. However, if it was in X, then there would be a few things to try, in particular, by having a look at https://wiki.debian.org/LibinputTouchpad, and then the man page for libinput where there are a number of options available to adjust the configuration, in particular the Option "AccelSpeed" <...>, variable which can have some affect on this sort of issue in my experience.
i am trying to figure out how to get past just "installing libinput-tools" LOL. will report back if my friend who iirc uses Arch and Pop OS is able to help me get past that step. :)
