Black screen BEFORE login window appears.



Mint 14 was running fine until I had the bright idea to apt-get and update whatever was available. Now half the time while booting up the system seems lost in space - nothing but a black screen (after selecting Mint 14 from the dual boot menu). The other half of the time it seems to load OK. Very frustrating! When it does not load properly I force it to power off and back on, hit 'e' at the dual boot menu and delete $vt_handoff, then double quote everything from quiet splash to end of line. Like I said, this works about half the time. Any thoughts??

So, no plymouth screen anymore? Seems like something happened to it. Could be causing you issues. Try removing the quiet splash, and booting. You may need to reinstall the plymouth screen. Or the graphics drivers. My best guess without any error messages or logs...
Thanks...I'll give those suggestions a try.
Does this look like I need to install a new plymouth screen?

There are 2 choices for the alternative default.plymouth (providing /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth).

Selection Path Priority Status
* 0 /lib/plymouth/themes/mint-logo/mint-logo.plymouth 200 auto mode
1 /lib/plymouth/themes/mint-logo/mint-logo.plymouth 200 manual mode
2 /lib/plymouth/themes/no-logo/no-logo.plymouth 150 manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
You can try using the default again, auto mode should work. Or try a new one.
Thanks for your replies, I'm still playing around with things. But I found that if I load "Previous Linux Versions" at the Grub menu, I can use a slightly older one - 3.5.0-17-generic and I get everything the way it was! Previous to my current problem, when I upgraded I ended up with 3.5.0-27-generic.
Thanks for your replies, I'm still playing around with things. But I found that if I load "Previous Linux Versions" at the Grub menu, I can use a slightly older one - 3.5.0-17-generic and I get everything the way it was! Previous to my current problem, when I upgraded I ended up with 3.5.0-27-generic.

Could be a a problem with the kernel then.