debian bookworm

  1. S

    How to achieve a "delta" pull with apt-mirror ? to support different versions of the same package.

    I am using the apt-mirror tool to setup the local Debian APT mirror. It works fine for me.:) I would like to know if apt-mirror supports a "delta" pull.? If it does, how does it work? If it does not, is there a way to achieve a "delta" pull with apt-mirror ? Specific Inquiry: I want different...
  2. B

    Solved Who is managing my interfaces?

    Hi. I have a Debian Server VM box and the network cards work perfectly. However, I don't know which service is managing the network interfaces and how to change the way they work. The box uses NetworkManager and I can see some logs via journalctl. The thing is the file...
  3. P

    Unable to awaken Debian 12 Linux under sleep/suspend.

    Experiencing inability to recover Debian Linux 12 from sleep/suspend, forcing me to reboot in order to continue working. 1. Attempted to retest by placing the system in systemctl suspend, or systemctl sleep: issue seems to occur intermittently. 2. Checked dmesg for more information: $ sudo...
  4. tinfoil-hat

    Compiling Pytorch - Installing Stable Diffusion on Debian Bookworm with AMD Card and ROCm

    Hi there, I have an advanced Question. I want to install stable Diffusion on Debian Bookworm. I am trying to replicate this on my system: Clone ROCm via Docker sudo docker pull rocm/composable_kernel:ck_ub20.04_rocm5.7...