
  1. S

    How to achieve a "delta" pull with apt-mirror ? to support different versions of the same package.

    I am using the apt-mirror tool to setup the local Debian APT mirror. It works fine for me.:) I would like to know if apt-mirror supports a "delta" pull.? If it does, how does it work? If it does not, is there a way to achieve a "delta" pull with apt-mirror ? Specific Inquiry: I want different...
  2. tinfoil-hat

    Solved Downloading and and Provide an local apt-mirror

    Hi there, like the headline says. I want to make an offline apt-mirror and also provide it via Apache2 there seem to be several possible ways on how to achive it (rsync, apt-mirror ...). Also one could get trigger a blacklist from an mirror like I learned from the past. I never understood how...