Search results

  1. AlphaObeisance

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    No problem! I don't have any personal experience with it but I did some research after reading your post and figured I'd share the findings. Happy hunting!
  2. AlphaObeisance

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    Have you looked into DraftSight? DraftSight has a familiar interface for anyone used to AutoCAD and supports most of the basic drawing tools you'd expect, such as lines, circles, arcs, polylines, and more. It also allows you to open and edit DWG files.
  3. AlphaObeisance

    Hello, and welcome!

    Hello, and welcome!
  4. AlphaObeisance

    Yeah proprietary AI models are seemingly meh. I've been using Mixtral through Ollama lately and...

    Yeah proprietary AI models are seemingly meh. I've been using Mixtral through Ollama lately and it's been pretty good; but I've also been working on my model for like 6 months lol. It's a fun thing to play with for sure!
  5. AlphaObeisance

    Surfs Choice - Terminal Preferences?

    Thanks for all the responses everyone! There's just something about the customization options Tilix offers that make my work space feel more like "home". I'm one of those dweebs that figures if i'm essentially going to live behind a computer screen, 16-20 hours a day then it better look good...
  6. AlphaObeisance

    Surfs Choice - Terminal Preferences?

    I'm just sitting here doing an arch install on one of my devices and I come to the realization that I haven't really given any thought to terminals in a hot second. I used Konsole pretty extensively while I was over on KDE Plasma, but even then, once I discovered Tilix I just sort of quit...
  7. AlphaObeisance

    Help needed with Intel & GeForce hybrid graphics

    You may find this useful. Additionally, the Arch Wiki its a diamond mine for all things Linux, even if you're not using Arch Linux yourself; as all Linux distro's share mutual fundamentals. Most of what your inquiring about has already been provided via the Arch Wiki and no doubt within the...
  8. AlphaObeisance

    PDF file.

    lol just remember, AI is only as evil as it's user. Unless it's corporate AI (cough, meta/google, cough) in which case they're building skynet. Time to double down on the PrivateAI front. We need good AI to combat the skynet AI before we all end up harvested by AI for AI lol
  9. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    I linked my current utilities previously. I use Ollama for my LLM, and I use OpenWebUI to give me the "ChatGPT" like front end. I install ollama and openwebui locally; so it can be used 100% offline. I've tested this thoroughly by disabling my network controllers and it all works as intended...
  10. AlphaObeisance

    Games randomly crash my laptop PC (NVIDIA)

    Which NVIDIA packages do you have installed? In my experience, keeping in mind I run AMD/NVIDIA; as long as I've had nvidia or nvidia-dkms, nvidia-settings, and nvidia-utils installed; I've never had an issue; but I'm on Arch Linux. What's your GPU version? You can get your GPU info with...
  11. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    I agree. Personally I've found the best "general purpose" AI to be mixtral. I've deployed it on everything from coding to general conversation, publication and fact finding, just all sorts of oddities as I experimented with it. No doubt it'll be rather difficult to get an AI that can "do it...
  12. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    yes, I subscribed to GPT4 for 1 month to test it out. it's quite competent but oddly enough, even my private AI quickly replaced GPT4 in terms of reliability; it's certainly not a service I would pay for after experiencing the competence of private AI. One of the most common issues I ran into...
  13. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    See stuff like this excites me, blending genuine creativity with powerful tools. I really only know how to use LLM's for discussion and programming; but the image/video generation absolutely baffles me. It's a shame so many are abusing it; but it's really cool to hear about the good stuff...
  14. AlphaObeisance

    PDF file.

    Nothing beats good ol fashioned manual intervention. But if you must, there are many AI options out there that do this very thing. ChatGPT may offer the ability to upload documents on it's premium service; or, if you have the equipment you could self host OpenWebUI and deploy it with something...
  15. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    Yeah something about trying to have AI do it all seem a bit unethical to me. But a study buddy is always useful lol. I use one particular model I've been working on to help me with Systems Admin stuff that I'd either forgotten or need to learn. It did pretty good pointing me in the right...
  16. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    It sounds to me your experience with AI was with a sub par underdeveloped model if you were only getting "hints" of information. But it's understandable that not all would appreciate AI. Nobody wanted debit cards and smart phones either; but here we are lol. I can remember interviews when...
  17. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    I'd be interested in your elaboration as to your stance on AI. I'm neither here nor there as I can see that as with anything else mankind develops, the tool itself is neutral and it's ethical/unethical deployment rests soley on the users hands. At least until they achieve skynet level of...
  18. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    Oh I'm aware lol. I use Ollama with the OpenWebUI front end that essentially turns it into my own ChatGPT. I can upload documents to it's database for a more honed in experience if I'm aiming for something particular. AnythingLLM is also a good one, especially for a corporate environment.
  19. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    Man that's a really good angle that I 100% agree with. I don't understand why AI is being used to replace genuine creativity. It's so much less impressive than something created by an intellectual being with creative skills. I used to follow a lot of art forums and such but I've pretty much...
  20. AlphaObeisance

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    I'm just curious if you're using PrivateAI yet? If not, I'm curious why not? I didn't really get into ChatGPT or any alternatives when they first blew up with popularity. It wasn't until about oh idk, 6 months or so ago that I started looking into AI more deliberately. ChatGPT was cool n all...