9 Linux Distros for Beginners


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Dec 11, 2019
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By the only Linux YouTuber I am subscribed to. DJware does great videos about Linux and other tech, here's his most recent videos about Linux distributions for beginners.
Be sure to subscribe!
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Very good suggestions but no mention of PCLOS.

MX not an eyecandy distro? It is to me! Try its brother distro, antiX, for an example of such a non-eyecandy distro.
By the only Linux YouTuber I am subscribed to. DJware does great videos about Linux and other tech, here's his most recent videos about Linux distributions for beginners.
Great idea.
Also with worth to mention here the Linux-versions for kids ? (For schools ´perhaps´ from interesst. Internet - and OSs for computers - infrastructure from Linux, I think, are more fitable - and more appropriate - for kids, and schools.
(Examples, if OK here already with:
Linux for Kids – Choose from Recommended 20 Awesome Distros https://www.linuxpit.com/best-linux-for-kids/
8 Amazing Linux Distributions for Kids https://www.tecmint.com/best-linux-distributions-for-kids/))

(Note: (but for this now) a 39 min. video to have to listen, to me is just to hard.)

An other note with here, please:
Coming from Windows, the very different Linux-versions´ generic terms do deny, just only refuse, and does have to let me ignore just, and but also does not make it easy to just already step in into the different versions´ overview of all the Linux-versions.
This, to me, until today, does stay a very big hurdle.
(Just to say - to mention - it once a time, one time. If OK.)

Probably also as a kind of wiki, for example ´easy (small, fast) Linux-versions, for beginners´.
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Very good suggestions but no mention of PCLOS.
Probably not mentioned because it ain't exactly an OOTB Linux distro for a new to Linux user to learn the how to on some things.

I base this on my personal use of PCLOS does come with a wee bit of a learning curve for the new to Linux user imo.

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