Recent content by JuJuan

  1. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Hi, I Like your picture. Basically, the computer will serve almost only for email and few visit on youtube. Is Tiny Core compatible with my machine (i.e: 32 Bits and the PAE thing)? I don,t understand how can Windws Xp pro can run smoothly on my computer while AntiX is way too slow and lag...
  2. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Thank you but I thought that some distro of linux could work easily on way less than that. And thanks camtaf too for the advise. One question though: Is it better if I put the more of swap (like 3-5-10...GB)?
  3. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Ok thank you all for your appreciated help. Finally I succeededed with AntiX. But it's very very slow (too much). The version I tried was a beta. I'd go with the 'base' one like suggested instead. Hope that will help. Thanks again all and I wiil mark as resolve
  4. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Ok, good to know
  5. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Sorry to contradit but they're all in 32 bits and for my laptop I'm not really sure since I didn't find a place where they tell it
  6. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    What's on it, it's installed Ventoy with 15 Linux distros (iso files). That's all
  7. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    ok thanks. Last time I formated it in Fat32. I didn't know a key could be 64 bits. Anyway, I don't think it's something to do with all that since the computer read on it without any issue for a while and suddently just stop. It's not the first time (at least two other times that occur the exact...
  8. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Ok, I'm downloading this AntiX Base and as soon as the problem with my usb key will be settle, I'll try it (it was not this distro that I tried before). Anyway now I have new issue with my old pc. Now it can't read anymore my key and offer if I want to format it; while on my newer pc this key...
  9. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Thanks for fast reply. Under the laptop it's written: ASUS A3000 Notebook PC
  10. J

    How to install Linux on my old laptop

    Hi there, I own an old laptop Asus Centrino 1.6 Mhz with 532 Mo (sort of) of Ram that is runing Windows Xp professionnal very well. I'd like to give it a second youth by installing Linux on it (or on usb key preferably). Til now, I tried everything I could, Rufus or Ventoy and at least 5 distros...