Recent content by abmvk

  1. abmvk

    Hello everyone

    Welcome! Linux is never a bad choice :) Python, well, not my cup of tea to be honest. But I hear most people find it a language that is easy to learn. So enjoy!
  2. abmvk

    What was your favorite version of Windows (if any)?

    I wasn't really impressed with 1.0 or 2.0. But 3.0 and 3.1 were great. Still MS/DOS at the core, and I liked MS/DOS really, really, really. Open, accessible for the user/programmer, I could do anything with it. You could do calls via int 21h to the O/S but if you wanted you could also access the...
  3. abmvk

    What Linux distro should I use as a beginner?

    I think the more knowledgable people have already given their suggestions, so I will only say what I know from my limited experience: I started with Pi OS, which is Debian for the Raspberry Pi. I like it, but probably one reason is that I know it by now, more or less. On my eeePC (an old mini...
  4. abmvk

    Didn't I introduce myself?

    Thank you!
  5. abmvk

    Didn't I introduce myself?

    Not yet, I did get around Asylum though
  6. abmvk

    Didn't I introduce myself?

    I straten with dBase III, but I didn't think anyone would know the difference anyway :D
  7. abmvk

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    I do believe it should, but it doesn't
  8. abmvk

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    I tried both Scrot and import, the first creates a picture that is completely black, the second doesn't seem to do anything
  9. abmvk

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    Unfortunately we will have to call it a typing error. I forgot the "not" :D
  10. abmvk

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    :) I love the thin keyboards, and I needed one that could connect over bluetooth with at least two computers, so I didn't have much choice. I have found gnome-screenshot, and it reported it could not make a screenshot. My system is a Raspberry Pi 5, with Pi OS (Debian) Bookworm, and Wayland.
  11. abmvk

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    I am afraid I use apple keyboards, no PrintScreen on them. I am going to try and install gnome-screenshot. I did have another tool for it, but couldn't figure that one out
  12. abmvk

    Didn't I introduce myself?

    How rude of me, I am sorry, I thought I did, but now I think I didn't. Well, whatever, introductions: I am a 54yo Dutch amateur. Grew up with the TRS-80, ZX-81 and ZX Spectrum. In college I learned MS/DOS at a pretty low level (int 21h anyone?), later OS/400, a bit xenix. I have always been...
  13. abmvk

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    How sad, but I can't figure out how to make a screenshot :oops:. So, a picture with my phone. Main screen, and side screen.
  14. abmvk

    Dislike to Linux

    As a student I had to configure the security setup to AS/400 native, for a company that was running its AS/400 in S/36-mode. A very interesting learning experience. I fell in love with both the ease of use and the very well designed security philosophies of the system. But well, dreams, dreams...
  15. abmvk

    Dislike to Linux

    I have absolute no comment to add to the wise things said by much wiser people than me, in this topic. I would only like to share my experience with you: I don't like Linux as such. I also don't like Windows as such. I have used, quite extensively NewDos/80, Atari TOS, MS/DOS (most versions)...