Hi from Holland



Hi All,

Let me introduce myself here ;).

I am Rik de Graaff, 19 years, and live in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
I have a heavy form of Autism, and a social phobia.
So I can't go outside.
Lets say that I dare to go 4 hours per week outside.
That is, for me, terrible.
But I have a therapy, to get off my problems.

I am with Linux a "beginner".
What I mean is, I've worked about a half year with FreeNAS, and also with Ubuntu.

I began with computers, on my 3rd year, when my dad bought a "family PC".
That PC had as OS, DOS :D.

Now I study PHP & MySQL Professional, because I love computers and making websites.
So I hope that I finish that study at the end of this year.

Well that was my story.
I hope on a nice stay here, and some help when I need it ;)

Greetings, from a sunny Holland,


Welcome. Sorry to hear about your disorder. I hope your therapy works out for you and I also hope your feel comfortable here with us. And, if there are any questions that you have, please feel free to ask.
Thank you Bill, for your nice reply!
And I feel me already comfortable on this forum.

I'm happily reading different topics.

Greetings, Rik
