Steam Trouble


Apr 25, 2024
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I've installed steam but ran into a problem... so I've downloaded proton experimental and the proton 8.0.-version-...
I've downloaded the game Sky: Children of the light.... BUT when I click the Desktop app, It says invalid app configuration after its done loading the "Vulcan Textures"...
Then if i try opening the Steam app. Ill go to library, click play on sky. The play button will change to stop, indicating its starting. THEN it goes back to the green button that says start. and it just doesn't start up.

Im on Debian 12 using Gateway laptop, celeron processor.


I think we will need some additional info, but that being said, some games just won't run nicely on linux. I've installed steam myself once or twice but other than left4dead2 i never got anything working well.

so I've downloaded proton experimental and the proton 8.0.-version-..

not sure what you mean - you mean proton VPN? or is that a steam thing? Can you post a link to what that is exactly please.

invalid app configuration

can you please start steam in a command line terminal, just open "terminal" and type "steam", and when the error occurs copy paste us the output (please copy paste and dont screenshot, so we can google the error messages)

click play on sky

the "on" sky is throwing me off - you just click to play that game, yes?

The play button will change to stop, indicating its starting. THEN it goes back to the green button that says start. and it just doesn't start up.

That pretty much sums up my own gaming on linux experience xD the debug output when running "steam" in the terminal would be interesting.



I think we will need some additional info, but that being said, some games just won't run nicely on linux. I've installed steam myself once or twice but other than left4dead2 i never got anything working well.

not sure what you mean - you mean proton VPN? or is that a steam thing? Can you post a link to what that is exactly please.

can you please start steam in a command line terminal, just open "terminal" and type "steam", and when the error occurs copy paste us the output (please copy paste and dont screenshot, so we can google the error messages)

the "on" sky is throwing me off - you just click to play that game, yes?

That pretty much sums up my own gaming on linux experience xD the debug output when running "steam" in the terminal would be interesting.


bro i use a gateway laptop from walmart with gb of ram. just trynna see what i can do with a cheap $200 laptop
The celeron is the kind of processor you have. What graphics card is what f33dm3bits wants to know.

That game requires an Intel i5 or an AMD FX 8310.

Game Requirements are in the link below:-

If you don't see the symbol (ie: icon for Steam on Linux) on the game's page it's not available for Linux.
celeron processors are low end. If you do not have the power to run a game then that is why it fails. That cheap $200 laptop is great to play with and not worry about damage, but if you want games you can't go cheap.
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bro i use a gateway laptop from walmart with gb of ram. just trynna see what i can do with a cheap $200 laptop
You may be able to get a refurbished laptop with a higher cpu and more ram.

Things are pricey these days so I can understand being on a budget.
Celeron is a cpu, if you mean that you have an integrated video chip on your celeron cpu that's not going to be enough for the minimum gpu requirements for that game and that integrated cpu probably doesn't support vulkan, even the cpu is good enough for the minimum requirements of that game.
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