arch linux

  1. nikita232f

    Crash Gnome

    After system update gnome shell started to crash, what to do?
  2. S

    SOLVED: arch upgrade error

    Hi All, I have tried upgrading Arch and ran into this problem. I did trying restoring the system using Timeshift but the problem, oddly still remains. Any suggestions much appreciated. 27/727) checking keys in keyring...
  3. N

    unable to start postgresql service, unclear log

    hey, after upgrading my system to Linux archlinux 6.1.67-1-lts #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon, 11 Dec 2023 12:58:39 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux I found that the postgresql cannot be started, the journalctl -xeu postgresql.service result is the log is unclear, I don't know why, I have ever...
  4. GoonMaster

    Solved GRUB and os-prober do not see Windows 10 on a different drive

    setup: -im on a lenovo legion 5 with two nvme drives with arch on one and windows on the other i reinstalled arch onto my second nvme after having issues with windows overriding the bootloader and now i can't access my windows drive. loading up the boot menu just shows me the drive i installed...
  5. GoonMaster

    Solved primary linux drive stopped showing up in boot menu

    my primary nvme drive with arch installed stopped showing up in the bios boot menu after installing windows onto my second nvme. i can still view both drives on the windows disk management thing but i can't boot back into my main drive to update grub. i tried loading up an arch iso and using...
  6. mquclinux

    Screenshots error

    PFA educational purpose its an old problem in a VM. the vm is stopped and i have moved it separate node. it automatically captures screenshots when clicked on 'x' button.
  7. mquclinux

    Help understanding this error codes while installing arch linux on baremetal.

    Dear Community Members, My 12 year old device dell inspiron n5110 , 500gb HDD, 4 gb ram Core i3 2310m. trying to install arch linux on baremetal, not VM but getting this error. is it time to toss out the HDD or something can be salvaged (personal data) PFA Appreciate the help Regards
  8. N

    cannot map caps lock to ctrl in kde wayland

    hey, I am using arch linux with linux-lts, and this is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "system-keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "us" Option "XkbModel" "pc105+inet" Option "XkbOptions"...
  9. A

    Solved Arch Linux: df always returns same values

    On my Arch system, running df -h always returns the following values: [user@archlinux ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/nvme0n1p2 916G 42G 828G 5% / devtmpfs 4.0M 0 4.0M 0% /dev tmpfs 7.7G 0 7.7G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 3.1G...
  10. N

    How to install proper AMD GPU driver (Arch Linux)

    As someone who has used Debian-based Linux distributions for a long time, I recently wanted to take a look at Arch Linux. But I guess it must be due to my naivety that I couldn't even fully install and set up the proper graphics driver, so I had to revert to cumbersome Windows. Frankly, I...
  11. N

    arch linux cannot detect wifi after I close the notebook, using latest 6.3.2 kernel

    hey, guys, I meet a problem, when I close my notebook for a while, and reopen the laptop I would found that the arch cannot detect wifi, so I try to reboot from terminal, it told me that , then I try to reboot from kde reboot button, it stuck at shutdown interface how can I solve it ? or...
  12. ARios Projekt

    [SOLVED] Flatpak steam does not run; closes by itself while updating. 'Can't find 'steam-runtime-check-requirements'

    OS: Arch Linux, Kernel: 6.1.8-zen1-1-zen, DE: Plasma w/wayland, CPU: i5 10400, GPU: RX 550 OC; extra/xf86-video-amdgpu 22.0.0-1 | extra/vulkan-radeon 22.3.3-3 I do not have multilib repository enable and I have not even tried to install it through pacman. Steam —flatpak— worked yesterday. System...
  13. Stellaris

    <Solved>Error while updating the Arch/Parabola system

    I am on Parabola GNU/Linux which I migrated from Arch linux and when I try to update the system, it shows below message. System Info: How can I fix this? TIA
  14. L9dson

    Failed to start Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine

    Hello people, I'm just installed my vanilla Arch linux, I was using an Arch distro pre-built ( comes with programs, packages, etc ), the good thing is that I was able to start and enable mssql-server fine, without any problem, but when I did my installation of arch by myself and install all the...
  15. AlphaObeisance

    Gamer Soundoff

    Alright, so first things first; I have seemingly had trouble finding a "Gaming Linux" discussion forum/thread that was worth any salt. Either it was full of naysaying windows users talking about how hard it is to game on Linux and how "incompatible" so many games are. I'm just looking for a...
  16. A

    Arch, i3: Can't find or change environment variables

    I want to change some of my default applications. Following this page on the ArchWiki, I went into my /etc/environment by sudo emacs /etc/environment file to change these default application variables (e.g. EDITOR=emacs). But it's bare of these: # # This file is parsed by pam_env module # #...
  17. S

    (SOLVED) Error: file ‘/boot/initramfs-zen.img’ not found (solved)

    So I ran a "sudo pacman -Syu" update and this popped up. Loading Linux linux … Loading initial ramdisk … error: file ‘/boot/initramfs-zen.img’ not found Press any key to continue… I can still load into Arch from standard kernel but the zen kernel appears to have been broken by the update. Is...

    bash translation

    Greetings. . I need to convert a normal bash file, which in this case it's a "dockerfile" or docker build file from Arch to Debian. Is there any lazy script hanging around on github that fellow users are aware of ? Any app that converts these commands from a distro-specific to another ? (there r...
  19. L

    Which should be given more priority to among these for softwares?

    lets find the best place for softwares
  20. M

    VIRPIL hotas / rudder pedals steam connection problems

    I'm having issues with my VPC ACE Flight Pedals (cant see them in steam) I was playing arma 3 when my pedals just randomly stopped responding. Arma could no longer see the pedals and steam could not as well. I then checked to see if they where no longer connected at all using lsusb, all 3 parts...