Hardware / Software compatibility Issue?


New Member
Jun 21, 2020
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Hello fellow Linux users!

Recently I have made the switch or rather tried to switch from Windows to Linux which sort of has gone fine? Anyway ive been having some issues with my monitor or rather my PC (i'm not sure still trying to pinpoint the issue) but basically whenever I duel boot I can install Linux Mint just fine from a USB and it happily cooperates up until you get out of the installation phase and GRUB the trouble is whenever I boot into the operating system at hand my monitor over DP refuses to display anything on DP version 1.2 and beyond however version 1.1 works for awhile but only to freeze eventually. HDMI is the same deal works for awhile but inevitably freezes or hangs.

I then proceeded to go down the troubleshooting route to no avail my graphics card drivers are totally up to date. I decided to humor myself so I installed and attempted to boot into Kali Linux which went basically the same as Linux Mint everything was going just fine until the installation stage was over and I left GRUB. I have also tried to SSH into my PC from my laptop which was not successful which would point towards a GPU issue, as well as that my keyboard becomes totally unresponsive.

I have also tried switching out my 49 inch monitor for my 27 inch one of which it largely went the same. On top of all this windows works flawlessly. I genuinely am at a loss to as what i'm missing or doing wrong I have spent hours searching for a solution and troubleshooting if one of you lovely people would mind providing a Linux novice with some sort of direction that would be fantastic!

G'day @Olly72652 and welcome to linux.org albeit under trying circumstances :)

I take that back (not the welcome), I see you have been a Member for some weeks now, perhaps I should acquaint myself with your other Thread/s and Posts first.

I don't do HDMI (yet), but I can ask some questions that may assist others to pinpoint the problem, if I can't help myself.

Just allow for my timezone - Queensland, east coast Australia.

Cheers and back soon

Chris Turner
What is the specs of your system and what version of Linux Mint are you using?