PCLinuxOS New install media available

A few of my Linux user friends swear by PC Linux something to do it's old school design.
I've never tried it.
It's been around for quite awhile and been a good solid semi rolling release Distro. I've used it in the past and still do at times. No systemd on it for one thing.

Thinking about installing the new PCLOS tomorrow - it's just a PITA at the beginning if it still uses in grub


because that will blow out my grub menu from about 4 and a half screens to maybe 16 - 18 screens.

Is that still the case?



Thinking about installing the new PCLOS tomorrow - it's just a PITA at the beginning if it still uses in grub


because that will blow out my grub menu from about 4 and a half screens to maybe 16 - 18 screens.

Is that still the case?


Hi Chris,
I'll have to check it out and get back to you I'm not sure how they have grub set up never payed much attention to it as it's just worked for me. But then I don't have any other distros installed on the machine I'm using it on. But will see if I can find out for you.

Thinking about installing the new PCLOS tomorrow - it's just a PITA at the beginning if it still uses in grub


because that will blow out my grub menu from about 4 and a half screens to maybe 16 - 18 screens.

Is that still the case?


Hi again Chris,
as far as I can tell they have not changed the grub install at all. So it's most likely the same. Though it does ask if you have other Os's installed. So I'd be careful with that one. It's still using the old drake-grub installer. Another possibility is to not install grub with PClinuxOS and used another Distro's grub to find it.
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