Debian11 - wordpress: change php8.1fpm to php8.1


New Member
Apr 4, 2024
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Hello All,

So I have this Wordpress running on Deb11.
Current phpinfo ---> see attachement.

Because all other servers are running "regular" php I would like to switch this one from 8.1-fpm to 8.1 as well.

Is this as simple as running some a2enmod commands or do I jump through a lot of hoopes?
Many thanks for advice on this.

Greetings, j.


  • phpinfo.pdf
    47.4 KB · Views: 88

Is this as simple as running some a2enmod commands or do I jump through a lot of hoopes?

I'm not sure what you mean by "do I jump through a lot of hoopes", but yes, if you a2enmod php, then apache will run your php scripts for you - if you configure it correctly.

I think you misunderstood the difference between php-fpm and the apache2 module. Here is the difference (explained by a LLM)

When deploying PHP applications, you have a couple of options for how PHP code is executed by your web server. The two common approaches are using PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) and running PHP as an Apache module. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, which are important to consider when setting up your server environment.

PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager)​

  • Performance and Scalability: PHP-FPM is generally considered to be more efficient and scalable, especially for sites with high traffic. It handles heavy loads better because it uses a pool of worker processes that are spawned in advance and can serve multiple requests. This can result in faster response times under load and more efficient use of system resources.
  • Isolation: Since PHP-FPM runs as a separate service, it offers better isolation of PHP processes. This can improve security and stability because it separates the PHP execution from the web server process.
  • Flexibility: PHP-FPM allows for more flexibility in its configuration, such as adjusting the number of worker processes, allowing for more detailed optimization based on your server’s capabilities and the needs of your application.
  • Compatibility: It works with multiple web servers, not just Apache, including Nginx, which does not embed PHP processing and relies on an external processor like PHP-FPM.

PHP Module in Apache (mod_php)​

  • Simplicity: Running PHP as an Apache module (mod_php) is simpler to set up and manage, as it involves fewer moving parts. This can be appealing for smaller sites or for those who prefer a more straightforward configuration.
  • Performance: While mod_php can be less efficient under heavy loads compared to PHP-FPM, it provides excellent performance for smaller sites or applications with moderate traffic. The PHP code is executed within the Apache process, eliminating the need for inter-process communication.
  • .htaccess Files: When running PHP as an Apache module, you can use .htaccess files to control PHP settings on a per-directory basis, which is not possible when using PHP-FPM. This can be convenient for shared hosting environments or applications that require directory-specific configurations.
  • Memory Usage: mod_php might use more memory because each Apache process is capable of processing PHP code, leading to a larger memory footprint, especially on high-traffic sites.

Choosing Between PHP-FPM and mod_php​

The choice between PHP-FPM and mod_php depends on your specific needs:

  • For high-traffic sites, PHP-FPM is generally recommended due to its better scalability and efficiency.
  • For simplicity and small to moderate traffic, running PHP as an Apache module might be sufficient and easier to manage.
It's also worth considering the hosting environment, the expected load, and whether you need the flexibility and performance optimizations PHP-FPM offers or the simplicity and ease of use provided by mod_php.
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Hello Blunix,

thanks for you answer, that does clarify things indeed.
And after a little more research ---> I will leave php-fpm enabled.

greetings, j.

Thanks again, recommendation accepted.

How I came in this situation:
In the past I have set up some lamp/Wordpress installs form 0 ( and never came accross php-fpm ) but
nowadays I set this up on Google Cloud Platform, using one-click-install.
Some of the templates there come with php-fpm, some without.

Greeting, j.