Recent content by Zululander

  1. Z

    mount drives so they have the correct permissions.

    I have mounted two different drives using the fstab file: When I look at the permissions I see that they both have different ones I am needing the cctarchive permisisons to be the same as for cctvdata. I have tried using chown but nothing changes.
  2. Z

    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Thanks for that. I booted off GParted, resize and then ran sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv All is worked well. Thanks your your assistance.
  3. Z

    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    @CaffeineAddict thanks for this. It is not the boot partition sysadmin@services-dmz-2:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom xvda 202:0 0 120G 0 disk ├─xvda1 202:1...
  4. Z

    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Apparently I should be able to simply stop the VM and then change the setting in XenOrchestra (which I think is what I did last time when it did work). This time however this has not worked. I am digging around to see if I can find a command to run from the command line to sort it out.
  5. Z

    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Using XenOrchestra I increase the size of my VM disk from 48GB to 120GB However when I run lvdisplay I still get 48GB What might I be doing wrong? df -h gives
  6. Z

    Solved Battling to expand partition

    I got it right using ChatGPT:
  7. Z

    Solved Battling to expand partition

    I have the following partitions The is for my VM which initially was only 10GB. I have increased the disk to 20GB I am wanting to from xvda3 to use all the extra space. I have tried lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv but can't get it to work
  8. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Ok, I got the script working. In all the to-ing and fro-ing I had reset permissions and forgot to check if they were still correct. It runs but I need to run as sudo. If I don't it returns Permissions are This makes sense as I am not logged on as root. This said, I changed the ownership to...
  9. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    I thought I had done that as if I go into the desktop I can easily activate the VPN by clicking connect. Also If I am logged onto the desktop and then go to the command line, I can run the script. It sound like the password is not stored globally. I will do some research later on how to check...
  10. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Right now I am at work so not doing this via the desktop but ssh to the machine (just mentioning incase this is adding complexity). If I run it without sudo, I get When I use sudo, I get
  11. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    When I run nmcli agent secret I get But I then need to press ctrl-c to get back to the command line.
  12. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Initially I got You need to authenticate to access the Virtual Private Network “OSG”. Warning: password for 'vpn.secrets.password' not given in 'passwd-file' and nmcli cannot ask without '--ask' option. Error: Connection activation failed: No valid secrets So for testing purpose I changed the...
  13. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Thanks for this, I think I am getting confused. Initially I was wanting the script to run when the user logged onto the desktop, hence the .profile file. For testing purpose I tried running .profile from the command-line. I have added source /path/to/script/ to ~/.bashrc but the VPN...
  14. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Thanks both. I am using GNOME. I tried the to run it as a service using: /etc/systemd/system/startVPN-OSG.service [Unit] Description=Start OSG VPN After=NetworManager.service [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart= /usr/local/bin/ RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=user. Target...
  15. Z

    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    I have a script call that I have put in the .profile file. If I run bash .profile, the script runs but it does not run at login. How do I fix this so that the VPN starts automatically at login? Script #!/bin/bash nmcli con up id OSG .profile # the default umask is set in...