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  1. Z

    mount drives so they have the correct permissions.

    I have mounted two different drives using the fstab file: When I look at the permissions I see that they both have different ones I am needing the cctarchive permisisons to be the same as for cctvdata. I have tried using chown but nothing changes.
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    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Thanks for that. I booted off GParted, resize and then ran sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv All is worked well. Thanks your your assistance.
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    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    @CaffeineAddict thanks for this. It is not the boot partition sysadmin@services-dmz-2:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom xvda 202:0 0 120G 0 disk ├─xvda1 202:1...
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    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Apparently I should be able to simply stop the VM and then change the setting in XenOrchestra (which I think is what I did last time when it did work). This time however this has not worked. I am digging around to see if I can find a command to run from the command line to sort it out.
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    lvdisplay showing wrong size after increasing size of VM disk

    Using XenOrchestra I increase the size of my VM disk from 48GB to 120GB However when I run lvdisplay I still get 48GB What might I be doing wrong? df -h gives
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    Solved Battling to expand partition

    I got it right using ChatGPT:
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    Solved Battling to expand partition

    I have the following partitions The is for my VM which initially was only 10GB. I have increased the disk to 20GB I am wanting to from xvda3 to use all the extra space. I have tried lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv but can't get it to work
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Ok, I got the script working. In all the to-ing and fro-ing I had reset permissions and forgot to check if they were still correct. It runs but I need to run as sudo. If I don't it returns Permissions are This makes sense as I am not logged on as root. This said, I changed the ownership to...
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    I thought I had done that as if I go into the desktop I can easily activate the VPN by clicking connect. Also If I am logged onto the desktop and then go to the command line, I can run the script. It sound like the password is not stored globally. I will do some research later on how to check...
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Right now I am at work so not doing this via the desktop but ssh to the machine (just mentioning incase this is adding complexity). If I run it without sudo, I get When I use sudo, I get
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    When I run nmcli agent secret I get But I then need to press ctrl-c to get back to the command line.
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Initially I got You need to authenticate to access the Virtual Private Network “OSG”. Warning: password for 'vpn.secrets.password' not given in 'passwd-file' and nmcli cannot ask without '--ask' option. Error: Connection activation failed: No valid secrets So for testing purpose I changed the...
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Thanks for this, I think I am getting confused. Initially I was wanting the script to run when the user logged onto the desktop, hence the .profile file. For testing purpose I tried running .profile from the command-line. I have added source /path/to/script/ to ~/.bashrc but the VPN...
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    Thanks both. I am using GNOME. I tried the to run it as a service using: /etc/systemd/system/startVPN-OSG.service [Unit] Description=Start OSG VPN After=NetworManager.service [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart= /usr/local/bin/ RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=user. Target...
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    Ubuntu 22.04: Running a script at login - starting VPN

    I have a script call that I have put in the .profile file. If I run bash .profile, the script runs but it does not run at login. How do I fix this so that the VPN starts automatically at login? Script #!/bin/bash nmcli con up id OSG .profile # the default umask is set in...
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    SSL_read: I/O error: Get kicked out back to the the windows RDP client when trying to rdp to an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop

    I did try that but I might have been before I had the xfce options installed. Tried again and no joy. Maybe I must install and try again from scratch. What is interesting is that the working machine gives the similar errors so that is not the issue. Here is the log from the machine that...
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    SSL_read: I/O error: Get kicked out back to the the windows RDP client when trying to rdp to an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop

    The only thing I had not done was "sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y". I have done that and it still does not work I do not have a firewall enabled and the ini file is the same as on another ubuntu machine that works with RDP. Also somewhere else I read that the default xrdp.ini file...
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    SSL_read: I/O error: Get kicked out back to the the windows RDP client when trying to rdp to an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop

    xrdp was installed on Ubuntu 22.04 desktop using sudo apt install xrdp -y sudo systemctl status xrdp sudo usermod -a -G ssl-cert xrdp sudo systemctl restart xrdp And the logs are [20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] SSL_read: I/O error [20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] libxrdp_force_read: header read error...