Wifi a sudden, strange, problem


Mar 3, 2024
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I have an iPad using Safari and Blink, a Raspberry Pi4B and a Raspberry Pi 5. Until yesterday all could connect with eachother over Wifi. Today:

  • None of the devices see the Apache-html page of either Pi.
  • The iPad will not connect to either Pi with MOSH or SSH over wifi, but the iPad does connect over a usb-c cable
  • The Pi 4B connects flawless over wifi with SSH to the Pi 5
  • The Pi 5 does connect over wifi with the Pi 4B, but the terminal is wrong. Colours are gone, and most text is doubled.

Both Pi’s run Pi OS (Debian tailored for the Pi) with the zsh-shell.

Any suggestion where to look for a solution is very much appreciated!

The problem has been sold. Turned out to be a problem with the router who decided to ignore static IP addresses and went all dynamic.
The problem has been sold. Turned out to be a problem with the router who decided to ignore static IP addresses and went all dynamic.
What the.... We can sell our problems?

Anyone want to buy an ex-wife? Or maybe a Kenworth with a dropped liner? Only about a $20,000 engine rebuild needed. But cheaper than trying to fix the ex-wife.

Just joking around with you, abmvk. Glad you got it solved.
:) autocorrect + non native english = stupid mistakes!
autocorrect + non native english = stupid mistakes!
Native English [GB] speaker + autocorrect= just as many weird errors

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