23 -> 24 upgrade: Login, Logout times much longer


New Member
Mar 26, 2024
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I'm on Thinkpad E14 G4. I've been running 23.X on it happily for months. It has been very responsive. Yesterday I upgraded to 24.04 and my login and logout times are painful. It takes around 10 seconds to go from entering my password to getting back to my desktop and same while logging out.

Does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? Thank you

PS. I also noticed 24.04 uninstalled tlp, which I was puzzled by because it seemed so random.

That is weird. Lets try to narrow it down a bit. Do you have a second window manager installed? If not can you install something very lightweight like xfce4 (ubuntu package should be xfwm4) and in the login window try to select that, and see if it also takes that long?

Also, before logging in, can you press CRTL + ALT + F4 to open a text-terminal, login there and run sudo journalctl -f to show the journal logs. With any luck it might log a problem, some kinda weird timeout or similar maybe.

You can get back to the graphical terminal (as in the graphical window manager / login screen) with CRTL + ALT + F7, I think, or F1.. Something between F1 and F12, not sure how this is on ubuntu ;)
I looked through journalctl -S XXX for the time since I opened the lid and marked out time jumps in case something leaps out

Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: Freezing user space processes
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: Freezing user space processes completed (elapsed 0.004 seconds)
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: OOM killer disabled.
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: Freezing remaining freezable tasks
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: Freezing remaining freezable tasks completed (elapsed 0.002 second>
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: printk: Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: e1000e: EEE TX LPI TIMER: 00000011


Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 systemd-logind[810]: Lid opened.
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 rtkit-daemon[1150]: Successfully demoted thread 50432 of process 50404.
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 rtkit-daemon[1150]: Demoted 1 threads.
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 dbus-daemon[793]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.react>
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 systemd-sleep[99596]: System returned from sleep operation 'suspend'.
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 kernel: PM: suspend exit
Apr 30 19:52:56 e14 bluetoothd[792]: Controller resume with wake event 0x0   <--------------------------------------------------------
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 systemd[1]: Started anacron.service - Run anacron jobs.
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 anacron[99761]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2024-04-30
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 anacron[99761]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 kernel: workqueue: pm_runtime_work hogged CPU for >10000us 16 times, consi>


Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 gnome-shell[50404]: no authentication service is enabled, using password a>
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 gnome-shell[50404]: no authentication service is enabled, using password a>
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 rtkit-daemon[1150]: Recovering from system lockup, not allowing further RT>
Apr 30 19:53:01 e14 gnome-shell[50404]: Failed to make thread 'KMS thread' normally scheduled:> <-----------------------------
Apr 30 19:53:06 e14 systemd[1]: apt-daily.service - Daily apt download activities was skipped >
Apr 30 19:53:06 e14 systemd[1]: Starting fwupd-refresh.service - Refresh fwupd metadata and up>
Apr 30 19:53:06 e14 systemd[1]: anacron.service: Deactivated successfully.
Apr 30 19:53:06 e14 gdm-password][99764]: gkr-pam: unlocked login keyring


Apr 30 19:53:07 e14 NetworkManager[837]: <info>  [1714521187.8469] Wi-Fi P2P device controlled>
Apr 30 19:53:07 e14 NetworkManager[837]: <info>  [1714521187.8472] manager: (p2p-dev-wlp0s20f3>
Apr 30 19:53:07 e14 NetworkManager[837]: <info>  [1714521187.8474] device (p2p-dev-wlp0s20f3):>
Apr 30 19:53:07 e14 NetworkManager[837]: <info>  [1714521187.8479] device (wlp0s20f3): state c>
Apr 30 19:53:07 e14 NetworkManager[837]: <info>  [1714521187.8485] device (p2p-dev-wlp0s20f3):>  <--------------------------
Apr 30 19:53:10 e14 CRON[100212]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) >
Apr 30 19:53:10 e14 CRON[100213]: (root) CMD ([ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ] && if [ ! -d /run/sys>
Apr 30 19:53:10 e14 CRON[100212]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
Apr 30 19:53:10 e14 CRON[100214]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) >
Apr 30 19:53:10 e14 CRON[100215]: (root) CMD ([ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ] && if [ ! -d /run/sys>
Apr 30 19:53:10 e14 CRON[100214]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root


I will try with a different WM, that's a great suggestion, but right now I'm settled into some work.

Also, I was a little imprecise when I said "login/logout". I don't actually login or logout of the window manager: this delay happens not only when starting a new WM (GNOME + Wayland) session but also when locking and unlocking the screen which happens when I close/open the lid.
Another thing that annoys me is that my cruising (as it were) power consumption has gone up by a whole watt. I spend most of my time in vim writing prose or code and sometimes compiling and I usually average 5.5 W but now I'm averaging 6.6 W with the same usage ...
I just found out it had uninstalled power-profiles-daemon too, which I could reinstall and get back, but for a moment I was disoriented and kept looking to see if they had moved that option somewhere else.
So, to be clear, it uninstalled profiles-daemon without notice of any kind ?

(it being Ubuntu 24)
So, to be clear, it uninstalled profiles-daemon without notice of any kind ?

(it being Ubuntu 24)
Yes. Because I had it in 23.X, upgraded to 24 and then found it missing when I eventually went looking for it. So that's two things now: tlp and the daemon. Both are power related and I know that 24.04 upgraded something power related, so maybe there's a connection there ...
Incredible. It must feel threatened in some way.

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