
  1. Terminal Velocity

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    If all the tools that included in Kali are available for other distributions why someone would want to install it? What's the advantage Kali offers in networks and penetration testing over other distributions with the same set of tools?
  2. X

    GRUB Rescue:Need help from someone with patience

    I tried installing Kali Linux but had some problem,errors and now when i want to boot the laptop this is what happens. I tried looking for tutorials but its like Chinese I dont have experience at all.. Please give me guidance so i can use the laptop and fix this problem.
  3. R

    Black screen when I sleep in Kali live Boot

    Hello. I installed Kali as a boot to my USB and when I start to run it on the computer, sometimes I need to put it in “lock screen” mode, but when I put it in this mode, the screen turns black and I cannot open it in any way.
  4. blunix

    James Bond Style Encryption: Using Cryptsetup LUKS to Setup Encryption with Plausible Deniability

    If you're a privacy enthusiast, an aspiring Mr. Robot, new to Kali, or simply someone wanting to keep personal data extra private—this blog post is for you! This article that I wrote explains in detail how to use Cryptsetup LUKS with a detached header on Linux to make the encryption itself...
  5. N

    Central malware or av scanner

    Hi, Can anyone help, I am looking for a way to scan my LAN for viruses or malware every night using Kali, I know there are some paid bit of software that do this, does anyone know if there is anything free I can use to do this? My aim is to be able to scan my 10/15 vms on my LAN from kali, get...
  6. D

    Need help woth kali.

    Ok so im obviously new, made a mistake; I installed kali linux on my computer, install went perfect, but now whenever I try booting into it whether its normal boot or recovery mode, it gives me "Loading initial ramdisk" and goes to a black screen. No cursor or anything just black, it also turns...
  7. M

    Plugins doesn't work

    Hey! I have a problem with plugins in my Ettercap. I didn't know how to fix it. When I tried use to a chk_poison I got response: chk_poison: Checking poisoning status... chk_poison: No poisoning at all :( When I tried use to remote_browser I didn't get response with 'www' which I wrote Have...
  8. P

    Using Debian Bookworm, and tried adding Kali Repositories - much chaos and work (with a little bit of confusion and hilarity) ensued...

    Currently using Debian 12 on my laptop, and thought to learn about some of the Pentesting tools in Kali Linux (listed here). As some of the tools weren't in the Debian repos, I got the bright idea to add the Kali repositories to my /etc/apt/sources.list. My logic was that as Kali is a Debian...
  9. K

    I dont see wlan0 interface

    I dont see wlan0 interface, i only see eth and lo
  10. M

    Unable to Locate Package Cupp

    I don't know if this is specific to Kali Linux Live or Linux in general, so I'm posting here while still waiting for a moderator to approve my post in the Kali forum. I just installed Kali Linux Live (4GB and also tried the everything 12GB) iso onto a USB drive. I can boot into Kali with no...
  11. S

    KGet failed to open in kali linux

    hello, I have a problem, when I'm opening kget in kali Xfce 4.18, It's not working. how to fix it ?
  12. T

    Need help setting up IPv6 with Kali Linux in VirtualBox

    Hi all, I'm hoping for a little help in configuring my Kali Linux VM or resolving an issue I am having with setting it up with IPv6. I have IPv6 on my host machine and can ping the internet, e.g., Google (2001:4860:4860::8888), so I know it should work but despite having an IPv6 assigned to the...
  13. A

    Solved how to remove a get line from the apt-get update

    I want to remove the "Get:2 https://deb.opera.com/opera-stable stable" InRelease [2,590 B] and need kali to stop calling it every time i do the apt-get update thanks in advanced ┌──(root㉿kali-raspberry-pi)-[/home/kali] └─# apt-get update Get:2 https://deb.opera.com/opera-stable stable...
  14. S

    Having trouble installing Kali on laptop. Please help!

    Hello there, as the title says, I am having trouble installing kali onto my laptop (HP omen). I am attempting to dual boot with windows 10, I have done this installation process plenty of times on VMs and my other laptop, but for some reason, when I go through the installation process on this...
  15. T

    HELP! Kali Linux Live USB is booting into Gnu Grub terminal.

    So I want to have a Kali linux live usb so bad. I've downloaded the latest Kali Linux live usb iso (Kali 2023.2 and the one that includes every tool), now, when I try to flash it using BalenaEtcher, it just created 2 partitions and the one is empty, the other one has 2 folders, named "boot" and...
  16. A

    WiFi does not come up

    Hello Experts, I installed Kali Linux on Lenova Ideopad 3 and my wifi interface does not come up. when I try to run the following command below I get the error $sudo ip link set wlp2s0 up RTNETLINK answers: Operation not possible due to RF-kill I googled that the the command below would...
  17. jeremyyhh

    load kernel kali 1st install

    I just installed Kali Linux for the first time and after installation it booted to the grub menu and when I typed boot it says error you need to load the kernel first. I have absolutely no [EXPLETIVE REMOVED BY MODERATOR] clue what to do. please help.
  18. J

    Kali Linux Grub Problem

    Hi. I have installed kali Linux and when I run it, it shows a “grub>” thing. Pls help.
  19. T

    How can I design and implement a secure wireless network?

    Hi, I am writing a bachelor thesis on "Wireless Network Security", I need to design and implement a secure wireless network that contains various security measures such as strong passwords, encryption, firewalls and access control policies and then test the security of the network using...
  20. Sulfide8329

    kali KDE menu copy in kubuntu or any KDE dedian desktop

    I install some Kali tools in MX Linux, but the problem is, there is no category in application menu like Kali Linux KDE has. For better understanding, here is some image. Please help in this situation or is there any way to import kali menu in any os like MX or other