How can I install a graphic card driver in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2018
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How can I install a graphic card driver for my AMD Radeon™ 520 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ?

If Ubuntu has a proprietary driver to offer you (or gets one later), it will be in the "Software & Updates" application under the "Additional Drivers" tab. AMD has updated their Linux driver support for Ubuntu 18.04, but it does NOT include your Radeon 520 model. The AMD support page is here... it currently only supports Radeon series 550 and higher.

Thank you. I didn´t now this.
Hold the phone folks ... it ain't over until the fat lady sings (try googling that one up, young Peer :D)

Peer can you please give me the output from your running the following 2 commands, when you get time?

lspci -knnn | grep -i "display controller"


sudo lshw -C video | grep -i "display controller"





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Thanks for that.

And one more, the 2nd one without the end bit -

sudo lshw -C video




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Before I go further, Peer, I just want to check and see if you are actually having any problems with your graphics? The screenshots you have sent us of Terminal output look clear, and so I just want to check the reason for this Thread, for example is there something extra or better that you might want to get out of your card, perhaps Gaming, or other? Is there something you feel is missing from your experience with your new computer?


Yes YouTube videos often jerk and my wallpaper is not so clear as in Windows.
Yes YouTube videos often jerk and my wallpaper is not so clear as in Windows.

That sounds like a couple of perfectly good reasons to me :). Thanks.

I am in Ubuntu 18.04.1 GNOME, currently, similar to yours.

Here is a picture of mine from Synaptic Package Manager, having performed a search on "amdgpu".


Can you post us the same search from yours?



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Peer, sorry to be so long :(

I haven't forgotten you, I am still checking options.

This new Dell Inspiron is the first computer I have had that has AMD Radeon, others have been Nvidia or Intel-Nvidia, and so I am looking for comparisons and differences between my circumstances and yours.

I expect to have more for your Thread in the next couple of days.

Thanks for being so patient ;)

If Ubuntu has a proprietary driver to offer you (or gets one later), it will be in the "Software & Updates" application under the "Additional Drivers" tab. AMD has updated their Linux driver support for Ubuntu 18.04, but it does NOT include your Radeon 520 model. The AMD support page is here... it currently only supports Radeon series 550 and higher.

Peer, Hi :)

I tried 3 AMD Radeon avenues, and used my own Ubuntu 18.04 as a test subject to try to get an answer for your problem.

I got as far as trying an AMDGPU-PRO facility that looked promising, but it ended up "bricking" the boot sequence. Fortunately I had taken the precaution first of taking a Timeshift snapshot, and so was able to restore in 20 minutes or less.

As Stan has mentioned above, it seems that in the last couple of weeks, they have now enlarged support to come down as far as the 530 series, so that is encouraging?

I will keep my eyes open, and if I see anything new, I will report back here.

Sorry if I have raised your hopes, only to disappoint. :(

Not sure if this has been resolved. This is the process I used when installing driver for my Vega 64. It worked for me, so I hope it helps you as well.

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