Solved Cron giving me fits

Solved issue
Typically, clock time, and traditionally used for machines that run continuously.

For machines that get powered down, anacron is often used.

You can get an idea of how they work and differ with a search on

difference cron anacron


BTW I ain't expert in either, lol.

It's working!

I had to use this code in my cron which I found on the web, of course.
*/5 * * * * env DISPLAY=:0 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus /home/dave/Dubai/new/

However, that didn't take care of the problem. I then ran across a reddit post where someone was having a similar issue. Someone made mention of the fact that there are 2 modes in Linux. Regular and "dark". So, my bash changed to this (last line added)

min=$(echo "$(date "+%M") - ($(date +%M)%5)" | bc)

test=$(echo "($(date +%M)%5)" | bc)
echo $test
hour=$(echo "$(date "+%H")" | bc)
printf -v min "%02d" $min
printf -v hour "%02d" $hour

name=$(echo $hour":"$min".png")
#echo $name
#echo $dir$name

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri $dir$name
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri-dark $dir$name

So, after all that, I have a background that changes throughout the day. I used this video to get my 288 still images.

I thank everyone for their input. And I hope someone having similar issues is helped by this thread.
Any workaround is a good workaround... well done! :cool:

But I have no clue what you did, nor why that was needed to make it work. It seems to me there should be an easier way than that! But maybe one of our code experts here can break it down for us to understand it better.
Any workaround is a good workaround... well done! :cool:

But I have no clue what you did, nor why that was needed to make it work. It seems to me there should be an easier way than that! But maybe one of our code experts here can break it down for us to understand it better.
In basic terms, from what I got out of what I read, is that cron only has built-in access to just a few environmental variables. Thus the env call in the crontab code.

The change in the bash file is due to there being 2 separate modes in Mint (and others). Dark mode and the default. I have mine set to dark. Therefore, I needed the last line in that code and could probably removed the one prior.

If that was any clearer than mud, i hope it helps. Keep in mind, that's how >I< understood it.
I may be going about it the hard way or reinventing some wheel, but lately I've been fooling around with running some scripts from cron and I write the scripts to accept a command line option indicating that the script has been called from cron rather than interactively so the script can behave accordingly (load environment variables or whatever) when called from cron. In my setup, it usually doesn't make any difference but I recall (vaguely) at least one instance where running a script from cron was a real pita.
Just redirect the output and error output to see what it is doing

*/5 * * * * /home/dave/swap/bgimages/ >> /tmp/mycronjobfails.log 2>&1

Cron Jobs don't run the same environment as when you login normally
Just redirect the output and error output to see what it is doing

*/5 * * * * /home/dave/swap/bgimages/ >> /tmp/mycronjobfails.log 2>&1

Cron Jobs don't run the same environment as when you login normally
Good to know when/if I ever need it. The script/method I implemented, while undoubtedly not perfect, has been doing it's thing for a while now. It's too bad there aren't more 24 hour time lapse vids out there that I find interesting.
The script/method I implemented, while undoubtedly not perfect, has been doing it's thing for a while now.

Hey man, there's more than one way to skin a cat aint ya heard lol. My philosophy is "It don't have to be pretty, it just gotta be functional" lol
Hey man, there's more than one way to skin a cat aint ya heard lol. My philosophy is "It don't have to be pretty, it just gotta be functional" lol

I guess we're all differnent :)
My fisrt goal is to make it work, and then I make it pretty, but that is a goal on itself as well.

What I found out is that to make it pretty, the way you wrote the code initially, already helps. The better it is written, the better that goes.
I guess we're all differnent :)
My fisrt goal is to make it work, and then I make it pretty, but that is a goal on itself as well.

What I found out is that to make it pretty, the way you wrote the code initially, already helps. The better it is written, the better that goes.

I was just being goofy ;). I'm too OCD about things to let it be a jarbled mess lol. It's gotta be well organized and either properly or indented or put into blocks if I'ma touch it lol.

You should see my studio. Between 3 kids the house itself can be difficult to keep up with, but the studio; yeahhhh it's generally pretty spotless haha. Codes the same way. If it's a mess, can't find anything, cant find anything, can't make anything work lol.

I don't program anything for public use, but I must have been pretty proud of this backup utility bash script i'd made some time ago, because it's the only thing I'd ever uploaded to github lol. Not sure exactly why I shared it but eh, hind sight's 5/20. o_O

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