SSL_read: I/O error: Get kicked out back to the the windows RDP client when trying to rdp to an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop


New Member
Apr 24, 2024
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xrdp was installed on Ubuntu 22.04 desktop using

sudo apt install xrdp -y
sudo systemctl status xrdp
sudo usermod -a -G ssl-cert xrdp
sudo systemctl restart xrdp

And the logs are

[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] SSL_read: I/O error
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] libxrdp_force_read: header read error
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] Processing [ITU-T T.125] Connect-Initial failed
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] [MCS Connection Sequence] receive connection request                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              failed
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] xrdp_sec_incoming: xrdp_mcs_incoming failed
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] xrdp_rdp_incoming: xrdp_sec_incoming failed
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incoming fai                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             led
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] xrdp_iso_send: trans_write_copy_s failed
[20240423-20:47:04] [ERROR] Sending [ITU T.125] DisconnectProviderUltimatum fail

Not sure how to address the above

There appears to be quite a bit of configuration to do which you haven't mentioned. Check out here:
The only thing I had not done was "sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y". I have done that and it still does not work

I do not have a firewall enabled and the ini file is the same as on another ubuntu machine that works with RDP. Also somewhere else I read that the default xrdp.ini file should work.

The strange thing is that I got it working on another ubuntu desktop last year but cannot remember what I did (the xrdp.ini file is the same on the working and non-working machines).

Here is more of the log files, of this helps

[20240423-21:45:53] [INFO ] sending login info to session manager, please wait...
[20240423-21:45:53] [INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: login successful for display 10
[20240423-21:45:53] [INFO ] login successful for display 10
[20240423-21:45:53] [INFO ] loaded module '' ok, interface size 10296, version 4
[20240423-21:45:53] [INFO ] started connecting
[20240423-21:45:53] [INFO ] lib_mod_connect: connecting via UNIX socket
[20240423-21:45:54] [INFO ] lib_mod_log_peer: xrdp_pid=4735 connected to X11rdp_pid=4738 X11rdp_uid=1000 X11rdp_gid=1000 client_ip=::ffff: client_port=17825
[20240423-21:45:54] [INFO ] connected ok
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Socket 12: AF_INET6 connection received from ::ffff: port 28371
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Using default X.509 certificate: /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Using default X.509 key file: /etc/xrdp/key.pem
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] SSL_read: I/O error
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] libxrdp_force_read: header read error
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] Processing [ITU-T T.125] Connect-Initial failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] [MCS Connection Sequence] receive connection request failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] xrdp_sec_incoming: xrdp_mcs_incoming failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] xrdp_rdp_incoming: xrdp_sec_incoming failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incoming failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] xrdp_iso_send: trans_write_copy_s failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [ERROR] Sending [ITU T.125] DisconnectProviderUltimatum failed
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Socket 12: AF_INET6 connection received from ::ffff: port 28372
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Using default X.509 certificate: /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Using default X.509 key file: /etc/xrdp/key.pem
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Connected client computer name: DESKTOP-C0I705U
[20240424-23:22:19] [WARN ] Received [MS-RDPBCGR] TS_UD_HEADER type 0xc006 is unknown (ignored)
[20240424-23:22:19] [WARN ] Received [MS-RDPBCGR] TS_UD_HEADER type 0xc00a is unknown (ignored)
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: Keyboard information sent by the RDP client, keyboard_type:[0x04], keyboard_subtype:[0x00], keylayout:[0x00000409]
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: model [] variant [] layout [us] options []
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] TLS connection established from ::ffff: port 28372: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] xrdp_caps_process_pointer: client supports new(color) cursor
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] xrdp_process_offscreen_bmpcache: support level 1 cache size 10485760 MB cache entries 100
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] xrdp_caps_process_codecs: nscodec, codec id 1, properties len 3
[20240424-23:22:19] [WARN ] xrdp_caps_process_codecs: unknown codec id 5
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] xrdp_caps_process_codecs: RemoteFX, codec id 3, properties len 49
[20240424-23:22:19] [INFO ] Loading keymap file /etc/xrdp/km-00000409.ini
[20240424-23:22:19] [WARN ] local keymap file for 0x00000409 found and doesn't match built in keymap, using local keymap file
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] connecting to sesman ip port 3350
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: sesman connect ok
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] sesman connect ok
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] sending login info to session manager, please wait...
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: login successful for display 10
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] login successful for display 10
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] loaded module '' ok, interface size 10296, version 4
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] started connecting
[20240424-23:22:30] [INFO ] lib_mod_connect: connecting via UNIX socket
[20240424-23:22:31] [INFO ] lib_mod_log_peer: xrdp_pid=149981 connected to X11rdp_pid=149989 X11rdp_uid=1000 X11rdp_gid=1000 client_ip=::ffff: client_port=28372
[20240424-23:22:31] [INFO ] connected ok
I did try that but I might have been before I had the xfce options installed. Tried again and no joy.

Maybe I must install and try again from scratch.

What is interesting is that the working machine gives the similar errors so that is not the issue. Here is the log from the machine that connects just fine.

[20240424-23:41:12] [ERROR] Cannot read private key file /etc/xrdp/key.pem: Permission denied
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] libxrdp_force_read: header read error
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] [ITU-T X.224] Connection Sequence: CR-TPDU (Connection Request) failed
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] xrdp_sec_incoming: xrdp_iso_incoming failed
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] xrdp_rdp_incoming: xrdp_sec_incoming failed
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] xrdp_process_main_loop: libxrdp_process_incoming failed
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] xrdp_iso_send: trans_write_copy_s failed
[20240424-23:43:18] [ERROR] Sending [ITU T.125] DisconnectProviderUltimatum failed
[20240425-00:02:37] [INFO ] Socket 12: AF_INET6 connection received from ::ffff: port 54016
[20240425-00:02:37] [INFO ] Using default X.509 certificate: /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
[20240425-00:02:37] [INFO ] Using default X.509 key file: /etc/xrdp/key.pem
[20240425-00:02:37] [ERROR] Cannot read private key file /etc/xrdp/key.pem: Permission denied
[20240425-00:02:37] [INFO ] Connected client computer name: Guacamole RDP
[20240425-00:02:37] [WARN ] Received [MS-RDPBCGR] TS_UD_HEADER type 0xc006 is unknown (ignored)
[20240425-00:02:37] [WARN ] Received [MS-RDPBCGR] TS_UD_HEADER type 0xc00a is unknown (ignored)
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: Keyboard information sent by the RDP client, keyboard_type:[0x04], keyboard_subtype:[0x00], keylayout:[0x00000409]
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] xrdp_load_keyboard_layout: model [] variant [] layout [us] options []
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] Non-TLS connection established from ::ffff: port 54016: encrypted with standard RDP security
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] xrdp_caps_process_pointer: client supports new(color) cursor
[20240425-00:02:38] [WARN ] Dynamic Virtual Channel named 'drdynvc' not found, channel not initialized
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] Loading keymap file /etc/xrdp/km-00000409.ini
[20240425-00:02:38] [WARN ] local keymap file for 0x00000409 found and doesn't match built in keymap, using local keymap file
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] connecting to sesman ip port 3350
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: sesman connect ok
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] sesman connect ok
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] sending login info to session manager, please wait...
[20240425-00:02:38] [ERROR] xrdp_rdp_recv: xrdp_channel_process failed
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: login successful for display 10
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] login successful for display 10
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] loaded module '' ok, interface size 10296, version 4
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] started connecting
[20240425-00:02:38] [INFO ] lib_mod_connect: connecting via UNIX socket
[20240425-00:02:39] [INFO ] lib_mod_log_peer: xrdp_pid=42539 connected to X11rdp_pid=42551 X11rdp_uid=1001 X11rdp_gid=1001 client_ip=::ffff: client_port=54016
[20240425-00:02:39] [INFO ] connected ok
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If you are trying to use the"Xorg" session type at the login screen, don't forget to install xorgxrdp.
