Solved HELP! Disk filling up!!

Solved issue
#1, never never never backup your system to the hard drive. NEVER always back up to a different drive otherwise no purpose in a backup.
#2, timeshift is your culprit, fix the settings and backup to external drive.
#3, Why is your stuff encrypted? I run a computer shop and I see people come in frequently losing information because they encrypted everything. If you are not doing top secret stuff, avoid encryption of the drive.

delete your old backups and I bet you get your space back.

when it comes to security and encryption, remember, "just because we can do a thing does not mean we should"

I dunno whats going on but my disk just filled with like 100 GB of something and i dunno what to do!
install Glances with either APT or SNAPD and take a screen shot of the output and send it back here.
i had the same problem today randomly today but i narrowed down the issue... and am now on different forums trying to figure it out LMAOOOOO world wide hack maybe?
#1, never never never backup your system to the hard drive. NEVER always back up to a different drive otherwise no purpose in a backup.
#2, timeshift is your culprit, fix the settings and backup to external drive.
#3, Why is your stuff encrypted? I run a computer shop and I see people come in frequently losing information because they encrypted everything. If you are not doing top secret stuff, avoid encryption of the drive.

delete your old backups and I bet you get your space back.

when it comes to security and encryption, remember, "just because we can do a thing does not mean we should"
it was a box i could check and i went, hey why not. (during linux install to PC)
install Glances with either APT or SNAPD and take a screen shot of the output and send it back here.
i had the same problem today randomly today but i narrowed down the issue... and am now on different forums trying to figure it out LMAOOOOO world wide hack maybe?
could be a linux issue or something i suppose
#1, never never never backup your system to the hard drive. NEVER always back up to a different drive otherwise no purpose in a backup.
#2, timeshift is your culprit, fix the settings and backup to external drive.
#3, Why is your stuff encrypted? I run a computer shop and I see people come in frequently losing information because they encrypted everything. If you are not doing top secret stuff, avoid encryption of the drive.

delete your old backups and I bet you get your space back.

when it comes to security and encryption, remember, "just because we can do a thing does not mean we should"
thats a good point, im going to reinstall from a fresh USB/ISO and ill make sure to use timeshift with my 128 GB kingston USB
it was a box i could check and i went, hey why not. (during linux install to PC)
like I said, just because you can do a thing does not mean you should. The problems I see with encryption are fairly constant. People lose the key or password, something happens and now you can't get your data. Is it worth it? I suggest Keep It Simple Stupid. Go into timeshift and stop it from doing backups to the local drive. That is the biggest problem people have. Backup should be on external drive never the drive you are backing up. It shouldn't even be an option.
like I said, just because you can do a thing does not mean you should. The problems I see with encryption are fairly constant. People lose the key or password, something happens and now you can't get your data. Is it worth it? I suggest Keep It Simple Stupid. Go into timeshift and stop it from doing backups to the local drive. That is the biggest problem people have. Backup should be on external drive never the drive you are backing up. It shouldn't even be an option.
so I cleared out everything, all the timeshifts, all the games, everything, and now i have 300 GB free and 150GB used by the strange /.Private ect folder. no idea what it is, cleared cache of steam too, and used BleachBit (i know, i know, its not good to use) and so i still got no clue whats going on. Cleared the Var/logs and set limits on their size, still nothing.
not sure what that folder is and no linux install should take up that much space. Something is not right. If you are not married to mint maybe try ubuntu or fedora and see if they work better for you. Sometimes your favorite linux does not work well on a computer so you have to try something else. If nothing else it will show you where the problem lies.
not sure what that folder is and no linux install should take up that much space. Something is not right. If you are not married to mint maybe try ubuntu or fedora and see if they work better for you. Sometimes your favorite linux does not work well on a computer so you have to try something else. If nothing else it will show you where the problem lies.
i tried fedora and it didnt work for me, just gonna reinstall LMDE 6 and not encrypt the file thing this time
i tried fedora and it didnt work for me, just gonna reinstall LMDE 6 and not encrypt the file thing this time
let us know how it goes, would be curious to know if not using encryption will change anything.
Are you deleting old kernels? Check that. You should only have the current one, and the previous one. Delete all the rest.
Are you deleting old kernels? Check that. You should only have the current one, and the previous one. Delete all the rest.
nice advice but he would need hundreds of kernels to take up that much space
In the 9 years of using Mint Cinnamon I've never had this problem...I don't use bleachbit or encrypt anything...maybe these might be causing problems.

As you can see I've plenty of space...

The Drive is 37.7% full...which means I have about 300GB of free space at the also has a 50GB VM too.

Of course I do maintenance every month before I create an image of my system...which is stored on an External SSD.
Journal space at the moment is 457MB which is nothing but can be reduced by a command...I have it set to 100MB.
Maybe a clean install might be the solution without bleachbit or encryption.
I don't think a few logs are taking up much a year I had about 4.6GB of Journal logs...had Timeshift snapshots bigger and a 50GB VM plus a few Kernels too...still plenty of space left...very strange.
The problem is likely to do with a combination of the OP
  • choosing to encrypt the drive at install time and
  • choosing inappropriate Settings for Timeshift
If LUKS encryption is used for a drive that has Timeshift on it, /boot must remain unencrypted in order for it to reboot successfully.

From the images the OP supplied, I am guessing that he has his Timeshift settings under User as either including his Home folder or partition, or have the options checked for Include Hidden Files.

The encryption perhaps has not worked as desired, and all of its content is being stored under


The outcome is likely that the two snapshots have taken up a larger than intended amount of space.

The first snapshot, with a flag of O (On Demand) was taken by the OP on 1 April.

The second, scheduled to Monthly, occurred at 3PM 1 May. This one likely "broke the bank".

If the OP follows his plan

just gonna reinstall LMDE 6 and not encrypt the file thing this time

... and modifies his Timeshift settings, he should be OK in future.

He also said

...and ill make sure to use timeshift with my 128 GB kingston USB

... which is likely a good idea.

@CataclysmicGentleman if you let us know here when that is accomplished, I can give you better instructions on Timeshift at my thread


Hey guys, so i reinstalled the OS, and now have a 128 kingston USB as the backup for my files and for timeshift, quick question though, when it was trying to back up last night it didnt finish before i went to bed so i had to cancel and turn off the PC, but it didnt remove the half baked backup, and it doesnt show up. also things SEEM to be fine now after the fresh install. also I made sure to NOT encrypt the hard drive this time (which makes Disk Usage analyzer actually useful now lol)

yeah so how do I fix this


yes I tried to delete the folder, that wont work. also:
In the 9 years of using Mint Cinnamon I've never had this problem...I don't use bleachbit or encrypt anything...maybe these might be causing problems. View attachment 19698

As you can see I've plenty of space...
View attachment 19699

The Drive is 37.7% full...which means I have about 300GB of free space at the also has a 50GB VM too. View attachment 19700
Of course I do maintenance every month before I create an image of my system...which is stored on an External SSD.
Journal space at the moment is 457MB which is nothing but can be reduced by a command...I have it set to 100MB.
Maybe a clean install might be the solution without bleachbit or encryption. View attachment 19701
I didn't use bleachbit till the issue came about, and yes, encrypting the drive was not needed, and proved to cause more harm then good. Happy to hear you've never had these issues. Now after reinstalling the OS everything is working better then ever ^_^
I don't think a few logs are taking up much a year I had about 4.6GB of Journal logs...had Timeshift snapshots bigger and a 50GB VM plus a few Kernels too...still plenty of space left...very strange. View attachment 19704
honestly I think its timeshift that was the issue, but I will never know, because my files where encrypted, but if the issue happens again I will know this time!

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