Thank you everyone! Just realized we hit a milestone! :)


Staff member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
If you search in Google, DuckDuckGo or Bing for linux, the first (non advertisement) result is ``!! You guys made this happen and it's why we see so many great new members joining every day!

This is HUGE for me and appreciate you al!

(at least it works for me.. but after, I tried incognito and it still seemed to come up first ha)

Thanks everyone! Glad to have all of you here!

Yup, it's #1 here.

Activity has increased and viewership seems to have more members that stick around longer. We can all do our part by making interesting threads to go along with the support threads.
Well done to all, and @Rob , another significant milestone coming up in about 774 Members' time.

Chris Turner
Congrats everyone! Time for a virtual party?
We can all do our part by making interesting threads to go along with the support threads.
And by keeping the friendly and sometime quirky atmosphere,
geek speak is fine for full blown geeks but tends to frighten Mr average, and I am pleased to say we dont appear to use much
What a privilege to be part of this group. :) and yes when ever I do a search of the web related to linux, is one of the top hits. I use DuckDuckgo most of the time.
It has been in the top on DDG for a few weeks, tried "Startpage" this morning and it was up there as well
geek speak is fine for full blown geeks but tends to frighten Mr average,

Yep plain old language is the best for us new Linux users. ;)

Rock on @Rob for creating and moderators for allowing the comradery which makes a great forum to be a member of.
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