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  1. dos2unix

    Ultramarine 40 released

    Ultramarine, like Nobara and NST is based on Fedora.
  2. dos2unix

    NST 40

    I've used this before, but it's gotten better. NST ( Network Security Toolkit ) is based on Fedora 40. Basically it's quite a few network security tools pre-packages. It's sort of like Kali, except it's more network based. It doesn't have as many Penetration tools as Kali, but has more...
  3. dos2unix

    Is the real world good enough?

    This really doesn't have a lot to do with Linux directly, but I didn't know where else to put it. It is related audio and video however, so maybe it goes here. My wife is something of a photographer. She has literally taken tens of thousands of pictures since we have married. Some of them...
  4. dos2unix

    Fedora on a Mac. I helped a friend install this today. He already had an older version on his mac, so it was a lot easier this time. I am impressed. If I had a Mac this is definitely the distro I would run. Everything works out of the box...
  5. dos2unix

    Fedora40 released today. Supposedly this will be the last release with Gnome as the default desktop. You can still download it as a spin in 41.
  6. dos2unix

    Advantages of systemd over sysVinit

    From CoPilot. Let’s explore the advantages of systemd over SysVinit: Parallelization and Faster Boot Times: systemd aggressively parallelizes service startup, leading to faster boot times. It manages services concurrently, whereas in SysVinit, achieving parallelism requires manual effort12...
  7. dos2unix

    Advantages of Wayland over X11

    From CoPilot. Let’s explore the advantages of Wayland over X11 in the context of Linux: Reduced Input Delay: Wayland significantly reduces input delay. When you click or interact with something, it’s displayed almost instantly. This improvement makes graphical tasks like window resizing...
  8. dos2unix

    Advantages of Pipewire over PulseAudio

    While I'm a fan of.. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'm also a fan of "sometimes newer is better". From CoPilot. Copilot Explore Before PipeWire, the prevalent sound stack in Linux was PulseAudio. PulseAudio served as the default sound server for many Linux distributions, handling audio...
  9. dos2unix

    Become a kickstart Guru

    What is kickstart? It's simply an automated installation application. If you only build out one computer, once a year, kickstart won't be of much benefit to you. However, if you build out several computers fairly frequently, have I got a deal for you. It can also be used for consistency, even...
  10. dos2unix

    dinodas RAT
  11. dos2unix

    Fedora40 beta

    I installed fedora40 this morning. I opted for the KDE6 on wayland. It's not bad. I can't share my screen in MS Teams, but other than that, most everything seems to work.
  12. dos2unix

    How do I enable the serial console in desktop 23.10? [Solved]

    I have a lot of experience with Linux, but not much with Ubuntu, however I have a project that needs Ubuntu in the cloud. I can't use the marketplace images because I need an application that requires a GUI to authenticate against a remote server before I upload it. I was able to create a vhd...
  13. dos2unix

    No secure boot for Arch?

    I was surprised to find out that Arch does not support Secure boot. This is easy to turn off if you are installing this on a host computer. This is harder to turn off, if you are installing this on a VM under KVM/QEMU or VirtualBox. It's all or none, so if you already have some VMs with secure...
  14. dos2unix

    Secure boot prevents nvidia driver install?

    I have two linux systems with Nvidia GeForce cards in them. Fedora39 and Arch 24.03.01. Ever since the 6.6.x kernels, my nvidia drivers have failed to install. Not a real big deal, it just falls back to Nouveau. I figured I would research it later. I have secure boot enabled on both distro's...
  15. dos2unix

    Become a disk/filesystem guru

    You can do just about all of this in a GUI program like gparted. If you like GUI's, by all means use these programs. But sometimes, GUI's are not an option. If you have to something on a remote Linux system, ssh is often the only access you have. While using gparted can make things easier...
  16. dos2unix

    Become a systemd guru

    Most Linux's up until about the 2011-2012 time line used something called sysV init. Some people call it rc or rc.d init. But about this time most of the major distro's started moving over to something called systemd. Fedora was the first, and then the same year Debian and Ubuntu joined in...
  17. dos2unix

    How to Install nVidia drivers in Fedora

    Enable the rpmfusion repo's. For fedora that looks like this. dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm Install the following dnf...
  18. dos2unix

    Become a NetworkManager Guru

    In most current Linux distro's. Network connections are managed by something called NetworkManager. If you have a GUI desktop installed, your Network Connections will look something like this. You can add, delete and modify Network Connections here. Normally your system is smart enough to...
  19. dos2unix

    AMD AM5 Motherboard Graphics Options

    I recently bought a new AMD AM5 motherboard, of course I have to get a AM5 CPU as well. In this case, I bought a Ryzen7800X3D. It is an APU with a built in graphics card. The specs for the GPU aren't anything to write home about. 256MB. It's even slower than a Radeon RX570. But for word...
  20. dos2unix

    Motherboard failing

    Currently my main Linux system is... Base Board Information Manufacturer: ASRock Product Name: X570 Phantom Gaming 4 WiFi ax I got this in 2018. I guess that's six years ago now. Hard to believe it's that old already. But recently the wifi on the motherboard went out, not a problem I...