Your PC Won’t Support Windows 11? Maybe It’s Time to Try Linux


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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Did you check to see if your PC is eligible for an update to Windows 11, only to be let down? One of your few options for continued use of your laptop or desktop beyond

Windows 10 is to install
Linux. Here’s why that’s not a bad thing.

Linux: The Other Operating System

many modern distros, like Ubuntu, Elementary OS, and Fedora, strive to give you high functionality and slick, progressive looks right out of the box. You don’t have to look far for something that suits your needs and complements your style. And let’s be honest, are you really going to miss having ads in your desktop?

Related Topic :

How to Try Linux
To try running Linux directly on your system, you’ll need to pick a distribution (consider our recommendations for beginners) and then write it to a bootable drive. After that, you can boot it on your PC and try it out. Don’t worry, this “live boot” won’t erase your current Windows system or files unless you explicitly choose to go that route.

If you like what you see, go ahead and follow our complete guide to installing Linux. Your hardware, forsaken by Microsoft, will thank you.

Did you check to see if your PC is eligible for an update to Windows 11, only to be let down? One of your few options for continued use of your laptop or desktop beyond

Windows 10 is to install
Or a user can wait until Windows 11 becomes a final release and then see if the computer is an eligible candidate for Windows 11.

Linux: The Other Operating System

And let’s be honest, are you really going to miss having ads in your desktop?
I use Windows 10 and don't get any more ads then I get using Linux.

As a matter of fact I get the same ads in Windows that I get in Linux since I'm using the same browser in Windows and in Linux.

go ahead and follow our complete guide to installing Linux. Your hardware, forsaken by Microsoft, will thank you.
Windows 10 on my old desktops runs as well as Linux runs on the same desktops as I dual boot both OSs on the desktops.

I'm amazed at the mindset of some Linux users who because of their dislike of an OS keep on beating a dead horse.

If you don't like Windows than don't use Windows.

I guess some Linux users are not happy unless they can bitch about Windows OSs.

I'm not a fanboy of Windows or Linux I just use them.

Both OSs piss me of every now and then however all of the same old lady bitching and complaining about the dislike of Windows gets to be old.

I'll bet your a closet Windows 10 user. :p:D
What an excellent idea, time to come out of the dark into the light and experience the feel of freedom.

Knowing the joy of installing any Distro and doing anything you like on your own computer, without microsuck dictating's like a breath of fresh air.
I'll bet you're a closet Windows 10 user. :p:D

If you don't like Windows than don't use Windows.
I don't. Ever. Like a good woman, Linux satisfies my every need.

I have friends who occasionally get to look over my shoulder and they (without exception) the **** did you get your windows to run so fast???....Also without exception they get that 'frown'/pained look on their face when I simply say...'this pc runs Linux'
So you have to have a TPM chip or be able to enable it in Bios. But you may not even have a CPU that is new enough. Someone made a comment about the centered Menu, "If I wanted it to look like Mac, I will just buy a Mac."

It will be able to run Android apps, and looks like it belongs on a tablet.

You can make it look like 10 so why upgrade? Up-change instead to Linux.
I'll bet your a closet Windows 10 user. :p:D

It is funny. :D

I have 6 Windows 10 desktops and 2 Windows 10 laptops at the house and don't have a problem with any of them they all run excellent.

I also have several desktops at the house running Linux distro's and those run well also.

Linux or Windows 10 I use them and neither is better than the other.

They both work well on my computers and I have no complaints with either one.
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half ass know.
You've got that right !!

I actually do not have a problem with the windows os itself (although the problems I see over at Bleeping Computer would certainly give you pause for thought...especially update problems)........I do have a problem with the people who are responsible for it. From a business point of view I find them underhanded, deceitful and sneaky.

I do not accept nor condone that type of behaviour from my friends, family or business associates, so I am not about to accept it from a OS manufacturer.
I do have a problem with the people who are responsible for it.

u-M-brella Corp is trying. They created the zombies, so now they are trying to train them to be productive members of society. And tell us it ain't so bad. The old saying "Power corrupts......"
is true. What was ABC's mission statement? "Do no evil" Was not long before that was changed. They are now being sued, by 37 states for the Pl*y Store tactics. And the Last CIC. MS lost their fight years ago about their practices. And the Penguin community's major problem was finding out Nerd's like Linus are not really good people persons. I have a coffee cup that says "The more people I meet, the more I like my dogs." Linux people are dogs, Big tech are cats. Dogs = "These people feed me, take care of me, they must be God." Cats = These people feed me, take care of me, I must be God."
I actually do not have a problem with the windows os itself (although the problems I see over at Bleeping Computer would certainly give you pause for thought...especially update problems)........
Most of the Windows users I know create their update problems by never updating their computers.
They pull their laptops out when they need to use them and then complain about how slow it runs because it's downloading and installing updates.

This of coarse would not be a problem if they would allow updates to download and install on a regular bases.

Of coarse that would mean that they would have to think beyond Facebook and other social media websites.

........I do have a problem with the people who are responsible for it. From a business point of view I find them underhanded, deceitful and sneaky.

I do not accept nor condone that type of behaviour from my friends, family or business associates, so I am not about to accept it from a OS manufacturer.
I ignore the politics and practices that are used by Microsoft and other big corporations as I could care less.

I ignore all of the politics where I work due to the bureaucratic crapola and again I could care less.

I go to work and do my job collect my pay check and go home I just ain't into all of the politics and I stay out of it.

Like Sgt Schultz "I see nothing". "I hear nothing".
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I'll just wait until Windows 10 reaches EOL 2025 and then how things go.

A lot can change between now and then with Windows 11 and it's requirements.

I'll make my decision on a Windows 11 final release and not some leaked out Windows 11 preview version.

Good night or Good day to all depending on what side of this planet you're on.
I'll just wait until Windows 10 reaches EOL 2025 and then how things go.
that means we have four years to convince him otherwise ?

Most of the Windows users I know create their update problems by never updating their computers.

My wife created an update problem when she saw HP 30 gig laptops that had Window 10 going at a very reasonable price at Argos about 2 years ago. Basically the hard drive became full so that it couldn't take any more updates. There wasn't anything in particular saved that causes the problem as far as I could see just the size that OS itself took up and its updates . She bought 3 one for herself and one each for the kids.

I managed to make lemonade out of that lemon by installing EndeavourOS on one.But I then had only about a week to play with it before she decided to then gave to her two neice to share in Ghana. It was enough for me though and actually a stepping stone for me to switch from Slackware to Vanilla Arch in U.K
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