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Your PC Won’t Support Windows 11? Maybe It’s Time to Try Linux
Did you check to see if your PC is eligible for an update to Windows 11, only to be let down? One of your few options for continued use of your laptop or desktop beyond Windows 10 is to install Linux. Here’s why that’s not a bad thing.
Did you check to see if your PC is eligible for an update to Windows 11, only to be let down? One of your few options for continued use of your laptop or desktop beyond
Windows 10 is to install Linux. Here’s why that’s not a bad thing.
Linux: The Other Operating System
many modern distros, like Ubuntu, Elementary OS, and Fedora, strive to give you high functionality and slick, progressive looks right out of the box. You don’t have to look far for something that suits your needs and complements your style. And let’s be honest, are you really going to miss having ads in your desktop?
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How to Try Linux
To try running Linux directly on your system, you’ll need to pick a distribution (consider our recommendations for beginners) and then write it to a bootable drive. After that, you can boot it on your PC and try it out. Don’t worry, this “live boot” won’t erase your current Windows system or files unless you explicitly choose to go that route.
If you like what you see, go ahead and follow our complete guide to installing Linux. Your hardware, forsaken by Microsoft, will thank you.