Ah yes, I remember it well [late 1990's]Toxic superiority is nothing new. Back in the day, when Linux was just getting started, if you dared to ask a question on a Unix site, you had to wear flame retardant underwear. Of course, no real forums back then, so Usenet was the communications means.
And totally uncensored and rarely with moderators, so the sarcasm and abuse could get really dark for bothering REAL sysops with questions about some dinky Unix wannabe.
I think that must be because toxic people tend to concentrate into things that require a lot of time and effort in the tech world. The good people are here my broOn Reddit I Was asking How Do I install Arch Linux They All Became Like Insane in the first few minutes of that post and j can say NONE OF THEM WHERE GOOD PEOPLE
Yup. Me too. Bookworm 12. Rock solid and seldom any toxic conversations because there is seldom anything to ask questions about. "Just works" is boring and I like it that way.I use Debian by the way. :-D
True, there is no toxic conversion but moderation is far beyond for any average user to feel like at home.and seldom any toxic conversations because there is seldom anything to ask questions about.
Yeah, in the 90's and early 2000's a lot of the internet was like that. I remember using audiogalaxy, which was a music pirating website. It was so user friendly and simple, you'd think what they were doing was legal. They had music from so many popular bands.And totally uncensored and rarely with moderators,
I ve been running Endeavour on my Dell for a few years. Just have to find the sweet spot.Sorry to say but i've just downloaded Endeavour OS a few minutes ago then copied it to my external YUMi-exFAT USB drive and the thing simply won't boot while displaying an error message (-22) about its ahci driver, followed by some complain over being unable to access its "init" (not found). This Arch spin was supposed to be uEFI friendly...