Solved Which linux distro is best for a chromebook?

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Dec 18, 2023
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I've been trying every distro, but I just cannot seem to find one. Any suggestions? (less than 4gb iso needed)

android is about the only thing that works on them. They were built for it and nothing else. The best thing to do with a chromebook is to do exactly what it was meant to do. Take up space in a landfill
If your chromebook has an ARM CPU then one of the many breeds of Puppy or Bunsen labs should work, if it has an intel CPU there are a few other lightweight offerings, but you will need to check if they will suit you [ ], and remember whatever you choose, once you start adding apps it will quickly grow in footprint size on your harddrive
yeah but i did the permanent firmware write from and it isn't really a switch linux, so chromeOS was completely wiped, but, I installed mint on it and it works fine but thanks for your help!
android is about the only thing that works on them. They were built for it and nothing else. The best thing to do with a chromebook is to do exactly what it was meant to do. Take up space in a landfill
i literally said i installed linux mint on it.
i literally said i installed linux mint on it.
oh boy, I really hate the ubiquitous use of the word "Literally" by people. (pet peeve)

Let me splain.... can you get something on there other than chrome, obviously yes but is it worth anything. Chromebooks are disposable computers. If you are old enough (doubtful) you may remember the Yugo. It was a disposable car. Once you drove it to the point it needed an oil change you threw the car out and got another one. Same for chromebooks. They are made to barely handle the android system that was put on it. It is luck that anything else worked. But as for power and Usability they are garbage. If you have mint on it now then I say congratulations, you just succeeded in putting a porche engine into an old VW Beetle.

There is a reason the chromebook is so cheap.

If you want something to really see the power of linux you can get a refurb laptop for about $300 and really see the difference.
the chromebook i bought is actually 150 pound
sorry to say but it sounds like you got ripped off. Somebody saw "sucker" tattooed on your forehead. just kidding but somebody took advantage of your lack of knowledge in this if you paid that much for a chromebook.

No offense meant to you, we all lack knowledge in various areas, your particular lack allowed somebody to take advantage. Unless prices are very different in the UK
Unless prices are very different in the UK
UK is more expensive than the US for refurbished kit, but still a lot cheaper than many other parts of the world.
somebody took advantage of your lack of knowledge
Typical of sales people all over the world. The power of advertising trumps knowledge , Google Android and chrome machines are in the main, made down to the lowest possible price, most are not have a useful life expectancy of 3 to 5 years, this can be extended by installing Linux, but it is not an easy option.and they will never be what is today considered fast,
I cleaned up the thread after some not-so-relevant comments and personal jabs.

You're done here. Move along. Thanks.
I've followed up and locked the thread, David.

For the benefit of the new Member whose posts were removed (along with others) -
  • The OP (original poster) and others wrapped up this thread 10 months ago, and it was marked Solved
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  • If the New Member had done so (viewed the OP's history of posting), he could have easily learned that the OP had got Linux Mint installed on his Chromebook, after failing with Lubuntu, and that he had done so within a day or so of starting this Thread.
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Avagudweegend, all

Chris Turner
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