the torrent tracker i am part of says i am Passive kind of seeder and not Active and thus i can only connect Active peers not Passive. I read that it mean i need to open port. But i am not sure where i need to open it so i seek Your advise and possibly explanation why? Thank you
This is my setup:
Can i open it example only on VPN server or is necessary to open it on all 3 spots (vpn server, router, computer firewall)?
the torrent tracker i am part of says i am Passive kind of seeder and not Active and thus i can only connect Active peers not Passive. I read that it mean i need to open port. But i am not sure where i need to open it so i seek Your advise and possibly explanation why? Thank you
This is my setup:
torrent peer that attempt to connect me
OpenVPN server (Linux CentOS 7)
Home router
Windows 10 computer with Comodo firewall
Torrent client in which i can define port number used for incoming connections
Can i open it example only on VPN server or is necessary to open it on all 3 spots (vpn server, router, computer firewall)?