What's your wallpaper?

I have the best wallpaper - a totally blank black screen. I don't see any use for a wallpaper because most of the time I don't even see the desktop. I practically live in my browser.

I have a Y U NO? wallpaper as of the moment. But most of the time I use anime wallpapers.
I have the best wallpaper - a totally blank black screen. I don't see any use for a wallpaper because most of the time I don't even see the desktop. I practically live in my browser.

I'm pretty much the same, xD. For some reason i just have my plain old windows wallpaper on my windows system and on Ubuntu it's the plain old Ubuntu's default wallpaper. It dosen't mean i don't prefer how my desktop appears, but now that depends on the desktop environment.
My favorite wallpaper is my own custom is use on all my Linux pc's. If I was on my linux right now I would show the wallpaper but unfortunately my servers down
I like using just a all plain black wall paper no need for anything fancy. I like keeping things simple.
I use a nice Azul clone that is bundled in Linux Mint 13 cinnamon. Very relaxing it is.
my lappy wallpaper is of johne cena a wwe legendary player
luna_background.jpg Hi I love windows XP i could never give it up at all so i use windows xp image in Linux mint 14 Nadia but this is my wallpaper. To this day i still cant give up my other old windows XP PC although i mainly use linux :) and yep i think XP is better than 7
newer does not mean better it just means its not as wise as the other
For the longest I used this to remind me what I do everyday.

Then that got boring so I set out to find a newer better awesomer wallpaper.

I wanted to feel as if I were stepping foot into another galaxy when I booted up my laptop. So be it, I found this awesome little thing. Now every time I boot up it's like my own little world.

I for some reason like having wallpaper, though, most times I have Full Screen Windows open and usually never spend much time looking at the wall paper.

I'll post the home wallpapers later, but here at work, I have an image of Sunset in Key Largo I took a couple months ago. Here is the Image.

Key Largo Sunset.jpg
I really don't remember where I got the wallpaper, possibly from deviant art.
Screenshot from 2013-07-26 11:32:44.jpg
I use a clock wallpaper that is provided via Wallch v4.0. Do not go looking for Wallch v4.0. I am the Wallch beta-tester :D . I get all of the cool new features before anyone else :p . Wallch is an excellent wallpaper changer/manager.


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