What it do

I don't know Nitrux, but Zorin Lite is my daily Linux right now. The "full" Zorin is not free, but the Lite and educational versions are. It is based on Ubuntu, and I would guess that it would run very well on your laptop, even from USB.

There are hundreds of different Linux, but they are really all quite similar with a few exceptions... like how they manage "packages"... that is, how they update their software. Debian (.deb) and RedHat (.rpm) are the most prominent, but there are a few others. Many derivative distros use one of these two package management systems. To understand "derivatives" a little better, consider that Zorin (and Linux Mint, and many others) is based on Ubuntu... and Ubuntu is based on Debian. This means that there is a lot of common features, and common software, that they all can share. And if troubleshooting a problem for Zorin, you might find your solution from someone using Ubuntu or Debian.

The main difference you will see and notice is what Desktop Environment (DE) that each distribution uses. And some distributions offer many DE's. The number of DE's is much shorter than the number of distros, but there may be up around a couple of dozen. Some DE's are "traditional"... looking similar to Windows, and some are more "modern"... looking, uh, different... like Gnome 3 (the standard used by Ubuntu, although Ubuntu offers many other choices). The graphical desktop is the look and feel that you will notice... and it's worth trying several different distro/desktop combinations to discover what suits you best. We all have our favorites, but you will have to figure out for yourself which one(s) are most comfortable for you. That's part of the fun! :)
I appreciate your input. I have use Mint a little bit, but no other Linux. YET. I'm excited to get started full-time, if only I could rush the next 3 weeks and be done with school. I already have Zorin and lite on USB's. Was gonna wait until after I get some rest and have a clear head before I tried to do anything with them, though. I already know either I will mess something up majorly, or forget what I did and have to start from the beginning again, so best to just wait.
You're burning the midnight oil :)

Headed over to your support Thread momentarily (gotta finish some downloads, run Timeshift and grab a beer out of the fridge)

I'll see you there, maybe, but

rest and have a clear head before I tried to do anything with them, though

Your Sunday might be good, mine's coming to a close.

You're burning the midnight oil :)

Headed over to your support Thread momentarily (gotta finish some downloads, run Timeshift and grab a beer out of the fridge)

I'll see you there, maybe, but

Your Sunday might be good, mine's coming to a close.

Yeah, I is, I is, lol. Still have assignments to o that are due Tuseday, but I gotta call it and hit the hay. Been up since 6 am and I'm tired. Goodnight
or forget what I did and have to start from the beginning again
I would heartily recommend that you never be afraid of starting over with Linux. Repetition gives familiarity, and familiarity gives confidence. Yes, starting over is work, and maybe frustrating... but it is good experience too. When you actually start to install Linux on hardware instead of running on USB, you will find some differences between the installers... yet, of course they are similar in what they do, and you will see their similarities, despite their differences.
y'all just gotta be patient with a mutha, ya dig? lol
Yup, sure do! G'day and welcome.
Gee I dunno just can't get away from plurry air force types, Ex RAAF and that ain't the Roswell lot either. :D:p:D
Well I canna hitch a lift with the Wiz and Condobloke so I'll just hafta come on me pat malone to enjoy your culinary skills as long as that is all well with you?
May things go well with your upcoming medical procedure.:)
Hey Kari - did you get the assignments in on time, and how do you think they shaped up?

Hey Kari - did you get the assignments in on time, and how do you think they shaped up?

Well, I did manage to get those (from this post of yourin) assignments in on time, and in my usual fashion, i made 100% on all of them. However, this last assignment, a 1500 word essay that is due by midnight tomorrow (my Sunday at midnight) is giving me trouble. I already wrote my last assignment, which was a 1200 word essay, for the other class that Im taking, and turned it in. But this one, i just can't seem to get it started. I guess that I'm just burnt out like Hell. I mean, I was only supposed to have those classes for 15 months and here it is going on 31 months because of the pandemic and all of the restrictions I've, we've, been under (hubby being in the military and us living on post and all that jazz). Plus all of the medical issues that have seemed to pop up, one right after another for me here lately. I'm just tired of it I guess. I mean, I usually get up around 7:30-8 a.m. and I'm going all day, student, maid, mom to a very insistent and needy furbaby, wife, all of that, constantly all day, ad here it is almost 2:30 a.m. and I'm still up and at my desk, trying to make something happen before my deadline, but it probably ain't gonna happen tonight. I really just need a vacation from myself, lol. Any tips on how to do that?
Wasn't sure to put a Love on that or a Haha, think both. :)

You're talking with a guy that has 8 mental disorders,see


It's pretty tricky escaping from those, but I manage them pretty well (some might scoff, but I cast a spell and turn 'em into toads)

Back in 2002 I was 44 and a half and spent 6 months at TAFE (Tertiary And Further Education), qualifying as a Personal Trainer and formalising coaching experience I had going back 30 years.

Had a wonderful time there. From the beginning the "kids" aged 17 to 25 called me "Granddad", but after a few weeks, when Granddad was topping the classes (worst placing was a 3rd), they all of a sudden had a new respect for me, and a half dozen would compete for places at a lunch table, of 8 seats, and then two tables to talk schooling with me. My burger and fries used to go cold, but gee I enjoyed it.

I was not sure if I could cut it when I started, having not studied for 24 years prior to enrolling, but it came back to me like riding a bike.

I could have done another 6 months there, but it involved 35 hours a week contact classes and the same in home studies. Elaine's Lupus flared up and I could not be away all day so I had to retire.

Wonderful burgers, and good mixing with the young folk and keeping abreast of their interests.
But this one, i just can't seem to get it started.
I feel for you as I know that peculiar irksome trait of writing.
I know you will get it started even though you feel burnt out.:);)
For me personally I just start writing with a sketchy sort of introductory sentence or two or paragraph and as I get deeper in to the body of what I want to say when I oddly write a paragraph that makes a better introduction to the piece of writing. Leading to rewrite and rearrange what I have already written so it moves smoothly and logically in order.
Living on post ( base as we call it) does have its drawbacks, never had to live on base myself but get the gist of what is like from observing those that do and listening to them as well.

It's pretty tricky escaping from those,
Yes it is! My sword Damocles hangs over my head and has openly been hanging there for 26 years but the missus makes the thread it hangs by strong so that it will not break easily.
I feel for you as I know that peculiar irksome trait of writing.
I know you will get it started even though you feel burnt out.:);)
For me personally I just start writing with a sketchy sort of introductory sentence or two or paragraph and as I get deeper in to the body of what I want to say when I oddly write a paragraph that makes a better introduction to the piece of writing. Leading to rewrite and rearrange what I have already written so it moves smoothly and logically in order.
Living on post ( base as we call it) does have its drawbacks, never had to live on base myself but get the gist of what is like from observing those that do and listening to them as well.
I appreciate your acknowledgement of your, well, knowledge (I guess)... It's nice, and somehow sort of comforting to know that someone else knows how I'm feeling, cuz they've felt the same way at one time or another. I'm not really a "feelings" KINDA GIRL, YA KNOW? LOL, I hear a grown person say some whiny a$$ Shtuff, Ima say suck it up buttercup, go put your big girl panties on and deal with it. Kinda a hard a$$, one of my many, many flaws, lol. Anywho, thanks. Dang I gotta get this essay done.
Just change your avatar to this


and they might not get so mushy.

Hey Kari, how did it go with the culinary course?

Last you updated us, you had two assignments left to submit - the 1,200 word one was complete and you were sitting like Lady Gaga in front of the empty 1,500 word one waiting for inspiration?


Hey Kari, how did it go with the culinary course?

Last you updated us, you had two assignments left to submit - the 1,200 word one was complete and you were sitting like Lady Gaga in front of the empty 1,500 word one waiting for inspiration?


Ok, that one. Well, as of March 30, 2021, I graduated from the highest rated culinary school in da world, in the top 5% of my class, which I believe had between 700 and 800 people in it. Thank you very much for asking
WOW, ever so cool.

Huge congrats. :D
Much appreciation. Lol, where all of y'all excel at tech, I outshine at food/drink/ect. We are all experts, in our own right, and in our own field. Ive mastered my field, as I'm sure lots of y'all have as well. Now, ima master something else, be it Linux or what. Ima bout the most stubborn, hard-headed, most determined person yall will probably ever come into contact with... and damn proud of it too, lol. (I think it's the red hair and green eyes I was born with, lol). Scottish to the core
Oh, and Elaine says that when you are Queen of The Culinary World (if not already):

Can you ban dishes that leave the chilli seeds in? (I am guessing she would like to ban chilli, period. :))

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