What is "Featured content" section?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2024
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What is this section about and why is there never any featured content?


I suppose there were some plans with this section that never took place, wondering what the purpose was?
I feel like this section could reinvigorate the forums in similar manner as tutorials.
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I was sorely tempted to promote this to featured content. I did not, as someone might take it serious and complain.

I assume it's still there because nobody has taken the time to remove it from the themes. I suspect it's just a matter of time. Someone once thought it'd be useful but we never actually used it as it added time to our daily tasks and scheduled tasks.

I'd consider figuring out how to remove it, but that's still above my pay-grade.
I assume it's still there because nobody has taken the time to remove it from the themes.
Honestly I think this is not bright idea.

I know you say this to reduce maintenance over forums, but I think this section has potential to become something innovative and interesting.
I'd use it to add the most useful threads there, such as pinned threads which already exist, this way you'd reduce amount of pinned threads for new ones and keep pins in one useful location without having to worry about pins clutter.
You mean it was there without purpose for years?, yeah that probably worked perfectly :)

Yup. It has never been used for as long as I know.

We do have the home page, which shows 'important' threads. Other than that, we wade through the forum. I find the 'new posts' to be a useful link.

Also, you're the first user I've seen mention it. I suspect others have clicked on it and just not cared enough to be curious.

I do have a button that would let me promote stuff to featured content. That appeared just recently. I believe it's an 'admin-only' option because I don't recall seeing that option before. I have another promote button but that's a whole other subject.

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