What I Use To Create An Image Of My System.


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Oct 22, 2020
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When I do a clean install and add Software...Browsers...VMs...Printer and Settings etc...it takes some time...so I don't want to do the same thing all over again because something happened...Drive failure being the worst.

I want Software that creates an image of everything on the Drive not just somethings...is easy to use and has a verifying tool which is very important and of cause works in Linux.

One tool is Foxclone...I'll create an image every 4 to 6 weeks which is stored on an External HDD...is fast...easy to use and free.

The other is Redo Rescue 4.0.0 latest version...I've just tried and tested this Software yesterday and it works very well.
On my spare 500GB SSD I have Mint Cinnamon 21.1... space used is 144.7GB...Redo took 22 mins to create an image...15 mins to verify it and 18 mins to put the image back on the SSD...it Booted just fine and everything was there.

Get Foxclone from here...http://www.foxclone.org/

Redo Rescue 4.0.0 from here...https://sourceforge.net/projects/redobackup/files/

I always like to have two Imaging Softwares on hand and I'll use both maybe a week apart just for fun but that's me.

I've just created an Image of my main 500GB SSD running Mint Cinnamon 21.1 using Redo Rescue and it's so easy to use even a blind man could do it.

On my SSD...used space is 176.7GB...Redo took 31 mins to create an Image and 18 mins to Verify it. Redo adds compression...so the Image is 110.2GB stored on an External HDD.

Redo Rescue works perfectly with Linux...has a nice GUI and is fast...everyone should give it a try you've nothing to loose.

Years ago I'd Clone one HDD to another...the problem with that was...I need two HDDs and I'd have to take the problem HDD out and slide the other in to the Drive bay...then Re-Clone the HDD again...that's if it hadn't failed.

With Cloning you always need two HDDs or SSDs and the Clone is sitting there doing nothing...you could be installing another Distro on it.

I create an Image on one External HDD when done...copy it to another External HDD...so I have two Images just in case but that's me. I now use both Foxclone and Redo Rescue which take about the same time...maybe a little paranoid but I don't want loose everything and do a clean install again...end of Rant.
Playing in Legendary mode, you can create an image of your system with the dd command. Being lazy I use clonezilla for that. I had a server with some clonezilla images stored , booted the new systems with clonezilla from a USB drive and tranfer the image by ssh
I now also use Timeshift which is installed on an external portable HDD. I have it set up to take a snapshot of everything on my Internal SSD.

This saves space on the SSD...as a snapshot could be about 160 GB or more and Timeshift doesn't apply compression as Foxclone and Redorescue do. Once restored the Timeshift snapshot will include everything...personal files...VMs etc.

The only thing to remember is...when restoring a snapshot from an External HDD or SSD...you must boot to the Live Session and restore it...otherwise it wont boot.
Timeshift snapshot....also saving/Including /root and /home etc

250GB ssd

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