Well, not necessarily, my "career" since I've never had one as such. TL;DR I've work menial jobs, freelanced in everything from debugging code to caregiving, and now I'm a sales rep. If I could go back in time/reboot, definitely the following (even if 2025 was the start point and I'd been born in, say, 2005):
If I could also reboot my education:
Focus on school (still don't know how to study, I drifted through with a "Merit Pass" for Matric (high school graduation) which ain't enough for a scholarship). So I'd have done that and gotten a scholarship, then gone to uni and taken mathematics and computer science (and physics and psychology as minor subjects just because they're interesting).
If only my "career":
Failing the above, i.e. if I couldn't reboot my entire education: definitely woulda done trade school and become and electrician. Highly in demand, well-paid, and stable. Either that or joined the police/army. Basically, I'd go for job security where I'd have been looked after when the epilepsy started instead of having to push myself despite my health.
In either case, I'd have been financially secured, and could've still followed my passion for writing (heck, I probably woulda published stuff when I wrote it, not 16 years later). So my advice to anyone would be:
Don't have pie-in-the-sky expectations. Go learn something stable. If you have talent, go the academic route, if not or it's too late / not affordable, you want a stable and high-demand trade or a govt. job. Otherwise you're hopping job to job sideways, and you'll probably end up in sales -- and you do not want to work in sales!
*PS: When I say "academic route", i.e. uni, I mean real subjects like sciences and proper disciplines, not the new-fangled BS like "women's studies", "gender studies" and that ilk as it won't get you a job, just tons of student debt.