Yeah, if you want to access it with ESR then you'll want to just use one of the many user-agent switching plugins so that you can spoof a different agent and bypass their security. When you can bypass it this easily, that tells you how much value it really has.
I did some looking and a little over 20% of all web traffic is malicious. That's about right for what I see at my end. The rest is just computers talking to computers and a tiny amount of human traffic. For every human that visits, I must have at least 35 to 50 bots scraping the site or just making sure the site exists or indexing the site or whatever it is they're trying to do.
Some sites are worse than others. My hosting site probably has close to 1% legitimate traffic. There's nothing automated in there, so breaking in wouldn't do them any good. Still, they're like foxes and think there are chickens inside... Or something like that...
I did some looking and a little over 20% of all web traffic is malicious. That's about right for what I see at my end. The rest is just computers talking to computers and a tiny amount of human traffic. For every human that visits, I must have at least 35 to 50 bots scraping the site or just making sure the site exists or indexing the site or whatever it is they're trying to do.
Some sites are worse than others. My hosting site probably has close to 1% legitimate traffic. There's nothing automated in there, so breaking in wouldn't do them any good. Still, they're like foxes and think there are chickens inside... Or something like that...