Way to append command line history to text file?



I use command line a lot (as I'm sure most of you do too). I was just wondering if there was a way I could take, for example, the last 100 commands (like you do with the UP arrow) I did and place them into a text file for later reference.

The reason I would like to do this is since I'm new to Linux, I'll be testing something on a VM and I would like to print out this file and make notes of where a certain string of commands did something I liked, or didn't like.

In your /home/<username> look for a file .bash_history (Provided that is the shell you are using) that should contain the list of commands that have been issued. There is also the command history that will spit out the entire list.

history > mycommands.txt

Or.. last 100:
history|tail -n 100 > mylast100commands.txt
Further to other answers, if you also want to know what time the commands were entered at, you can use:

HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d.%m.%y %T " history | tail  -100

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