Solved Upload slots vs connections in qbittorent?

Solved issue


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2024
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In qbittorent -> Preferences -> Connection there are this settings:


I don't understand what's the difference between "upload slot" and "connections", here is what I gathered elsewhere:

Max number of connections per torrent is the maximum number of peers to which you can be connected on a torrent per default.
one upload slot can service several connections.

But this doesn't explain the difference, specifically are "upload slots"? and how are slots different from connections per torrent?

The number of connections includes your downloading connections.

The uploading bit is the number of connections you can have that allow uploading.

You have 20 of them (slots for uploading) and up to five can be used per torrent file.
Earlier today I found a forum post somewhere but didn't bookmark it saying something similar but it was hard to believe because I changed upload slots to 1 for testing purpose and that didn't limit connected peers to 1.

However what's happening is that peers may be connected up to connection limit but not using upload slot, so the limit is not visible in action except if you count "U" flags, which stands for peers that download from you.

Thanks for confirming I'll mark this as solved.
Earlier today I found a forum post somewhere but didn't bookmark it saying something similar but it was hard to believe because I changed upload slots to 1 for testing purpose and that didn't limit connected peers to 1.
I know your question is about Qbittorent, I use Deluge when I do use a torrent. I came across this Deluge wiki page about bandwidth settings but I think the same ideas can mostly be applied to Qbittorent.
This may be of help...

This may be of help...
I have never bothered with all these settings but now I find it so interesting, I've started to track my upload and download speeds over a weekend and over night to adjust limits, and also made a spreadsheet to calculate optimals depending on my internet speed, torreting is trully amazing, I'm sure a lot of people don't pay attention to these things.

thanks for sharing!