I have had 18.04 running on my laptop for a good 6 months. Yesterday, I wiped the entire drive and installed 20.04. It ran fine for about 24 hours, then this screen popped up and I had to hard reboot. Any idea what this means?
...then this screen popped up and I had to hard reboot.
du -ah /var/log/j
#and follow that j with a tab, it will autocomplete the word journal followed by a forward slash and a long number.
$ du -ah /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/
17M /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/[email protected]~
17M /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/system.journal
25M /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/[email protected]~
8.1M /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/[email protected]~
17M /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/user-1000.journal
81M /var/log/journal/95dd98dd17d24b81bd8b31a5c9d8769c/
dmesg | grep sda
sudo apt-get install smartmontools
sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda