Ubuntu 24.04 now ready for download along with it's spins.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
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Ubuntu and Ubuntu 24.04 flavors are ready to download.
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It's 24.04 :)

I wonder what's with their ISO size getting bigger and bigger with each release? It's now 5.7 GB :eek:. Is that because of snaps…?
Thanks for the heads up typo, Fixed :)
I wonder what's with their ISO size getting bigger and bigger with each release? It's now 5.7 GB :eek:. Is that because of snaps…?
That is of interest !....that is a huge download for an .iso

Either straight out bloat....or snaps (amounts to the same thing)....
Some of the download size is because there are a couple more snap packages involved. Thunderbird is now a snap. snaps take more space than .debs :(
That's interesting.....I say that because the download for Linux mint is still around 2.5 (?) gb....and includes flatpaks (?) for various apps....?

I will watch this with great interest. I am no fan of Ubuntu.
Though mint comes setup to use flatpacks I don't think the .iso contains any just the setup so you can install them.
But I maybe wrong about that. Where as ubuntu ships with firefox , thunderbird and I believe a couple others.
I have done a little searching, and found this, which I found to be very informative.

Rather than derail this thread, I will open a fresh topic entitled : FLATPAKS
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It's 24.04 :)

I wonder what's with their ISO size getting bigger and bigger with each release? It's now 5.7 GB :eek:. Is that because of snaps…?
You my friend get the cute smiley face.

Yep the last few Ubuntu releases and Ubuntu flavors releases have increases in iso size due to the default Snaps.

Limiting your Snaps backups of previous installed Snaps to two will keep the HDD or SSD space under control.

Yes there is regular maintenance required with Snaps.

Here's a script I use for keeping Snaps under control.

I was going to wait before I upgraded Xubuntu from 23.10, but I let my curiosity get the better of me and upgraded to 24.04 today. I had vlc installed before upgrade, after upgrade it wouldn't run when I tried opening an MP4... So I uninstalled from terminal and got a message back saying vlc not found and therefore I thought it was removed with the upgrade. After installing again when I went to set up default apps, I saw I now have 2 VLCs in my app list, one of them not recognized by my system
I now have 2 VLCs in my app list, one of them not recognized by my system
And now you know why I stay away from ubuntu.!......I can find enough weirdness without inviting more through the door.

On a more serious note, i do note some strange happenings with 24.1

What is most concerning is inconsistency. The reports are all over the shop. That should not be. if an OS or a particular version of an os is not good....then I would expect it to be not good for the vast majority of users. Maybe I expect too much. I do expect better from Ubuntu....they are supposed to be the top of the heap (perhaps that is self proclaimed....and therein lays the problem ?)
I much prefer Linux Mint. Rock Solid. No bs. It just works. It still has a few niggly minor dramas here and there, but the Mint team are not in denial. That works for me.
And now you know why I stay away from ubuntu.!......I can find enough weirdness without inviting more through the door.
I liked mint too but Xubuntu can do more intense tasks with less ram.. I was looking into Lubuntu aswell but their official website was down so i stayed away.
My vlc problem was fixed by uninstalling from the GNOME Software application manager. It was included with Xubuntu 23.10 (even though it was XFCE DE) and that’s where I downloaded my first copy of VLC that was no longer recognized by my system after updating to 24.04.. So it turns out that the GNOME software had better compatibility in 23.10... probably why the application manager was missing after updating too
I hope it works for you. Keep an eye on it. If it all starts to head south....install more ram ! (and mint)
I was looking into Lubuntu aswell but their official website was down so i stayed away.

Be careful. The actual official site is lubuntu.me and not one of the other domains that are owned by other people. Though, yeah, the main forum does go down with some regularity. The site itself is usually pretty reliable.

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