Trouble while downloading Ubuntu


New Member
Jun 18, 2023
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Greetings, fellow Linux users. Today, i decided to install Ubuntu on my old netbook. When i flashed my USB and tried to boot into ubuntu installer, the GRUB MENU opened. And when i did choose the ''Try or install Ubuntu'' option, it didint start. Instead of a installer, there is just a flashing _ symbol. Please help!!!

trying another distribution can be a helpful diagnostic tool. that way you can find out if the problem is specific to just ubuntu or the version of ubuntu you have already tried.
trying another distribution can be a helpful diagnostic tool. that way you can find out if the problem is specific to just ubuntu or the version of ubuntu you have already tried.
I will try downloading linux MINT instead. Ill respond if this helps.
if you run into the same issue, i believe mint has a "compatibility mode" option on their live usb. that may also be worth a try.
if you run into the same issue, i believe mint has a "compatibility mode" option on their live usb. that may also be worth a try.
Hello again, i wanna tell something. When i was about to format the usb with ubuntu, guess what happened! it said that the usb is protected from writing! then, i decided to install mint on another usb. when i downloaded it, i booted into the usb, and guess what? same problem! it does not get past that annoying stupid flashing _ symbol! not that ever i cant install linux, my both usb are freaking DOOMED! im not mad, im just really dissapointed.
@olddevicefan1330 Can you be more specific? Which program are you using to flash your usb? How old is your USB stick?

It seems to me that 1) OR your USB is broken somehow or 2) the program you are flashing with is not quite adequate. (The "flashing" - is indicative of both issues).

Or you will have to disable Secure Boot in your BIOS/UEFI.
@olddevicefan1330 Can you be more specific? Which program are you using to flash your usb? How old is your USB stick?

It seems to me that 1) OR your USB is broken somehow or 2) the program you are flashing with is not quite adequate. (The "flashing" - is indicative of both issues).

Or you will have to disable Secure Boot in your BIOS/UEFI.
my USB stick is really new, i bought it like 7 days ago.
To flash my USB, i used a program named balenaEtcher.
Is this okay?
@olddevicefan1330 Can you be more specific? Which program are you using to flash your usb? How old is your USB stick?

It seems to me that 1) OR your USB is broken somehow or 2) the program you are flashing with is not quite adequate. (The "flashing" - is indicative of both issues).

Or you will have to disable Secure Boot in your BIOS/UEFI.
I will now try to install PuppyLinux, maybe it will work.
Being impatient and using CAPS etc here has little or no effect. It is regarded as being rude.

Do not do it.

I will now try to install PuppyLinux, maybe it will work.
If you are having issues with a traditional Linux version I wish you all the luck in the world with Puppy as it is VERY different.
If you are having issues with a traditional Linux version I wish you all the luck in the world with Puppy as it is VERY different.
Hello, the PuppyLinux has succesfuly flashed, and when i booted into it a weird command bar opened. I have no idea how to boot into PuppyLinux desktop. Please help!
Most netbooks, if like my old Samsung N10, only have 32bit Atom CPUs but the Debian 32bit install worked fine with only 2GB of RAM. AFAIK Ubuntu and derivatives dropped support for 32 bit CPUs some time ago.
does the system have a working operating system on it? are you using it to flash your usb's? can you share the make and model of the system?
does the system have a working operating system on it? are you using it to flash your usb's? can you share the make and model of the system?
The system what is installed on my netbook is Windows XP. about the model, i dont know. How do i find it?

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