Toshiba Satellite L750 unable to boot from USB


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Dec 5, 2023
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Ok still trying to figure this out ! I have a bootable SUB zorion 17 is on it. I have flashed it with balenetcher.
Now no matter what I try still can't get computer to boot from it.
So far I have tried F1,F2,esc.,holding shift.
I have turned fast boot off
I have updated bios
In the system information
It shows :
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer TOSHIBA
System Model Satellite L750
System Type x64-based PC
System SKU PSK1WC-0P801S
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2200 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date INSYDE 2.90, 2011-11-21
SMBIOS Version 2.7
Embedded Controller Version 2.50
BIOS Mode Legacy
BaseBoard Manufacturer Intel Corp.
BaseBoard Product Base Board Product Name
BaseBoard Version Base Board Version
Platform Role Mobile
Secure Boot State Unsupported
PCR7 Configuration Binding Not Possible
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "10.0.19041.3636"
Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 3.95 GB
Available Physical Memory 1.15 GB
Total Virtual Memory 5.87 GB
Available Virtual Memory 2.32 GB
Page File Space 1.92 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
Kernel DMA Protection Off
Virtualization-based security Not enabled
Device Encryption Support Reasons for failed automatic device encryption: TPM is not usable, PCR7 binding is not supported, Hardware Security Test Interface failed and device is not Modern Standby, Un-allowed DMA capable bus/device(s) detected, TPM is not usable
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware Yes
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection Yes

Is there anything in here that helps or will preclude me from putting linux on ?
I am about ready to say F*** IT and take my chances with windows 10 when support ends !! I am so unbelievably F****** Frustrated !! I have spent 3 days on this and haven't even got the OS on the computer to test !

Turn off both secure boot and windows quick-start, do a power restart [hold power button down till light goes out, put USB in machine then jiggle F12, whilst switching on, you should now get the short boot menu select the USB and enter

if this doesn't work, test the USB in another machine
G'day denise098, Welcome to

Have you turned off Secure boot and fast boot in bios?.....edit....I just noticed you have turned fast boot off.....Secure boot turned off ?
Turn off both secure boot and windows quick-start, do a power restart [hold power button down till light goes out, put USB in machine then jiggle F12, whilst switching on, you should now get the short boot menu select the USB and enter

if this doesn't work, test the USB in another machine
Could not find Secure boot anywhere ? Fast start is off will try the reboot sugestion now and let you kno
Watch this video., approaches the issue of turning off Secure boot, via windows 10

I am not familiar with win 10 , but he appears to access it via Toshiba Setup Utility (at around the 2 minute mark)

Turn off both secure boot and windows quick-start, do a power restart [hold power button down till light goes out, put USB in machine then jiggle F12, whilst switching on, you should now get the short boot menu select the USB and enter

if this doesn't work, test the USB in another machine
keep trying here. There is no BIOS UEFI option ? I did get windows 11 working ( with some modifications my system will not support it ( to old ) I cant recall what I did to get that to work. It worked fine but I did not like it. I wanted to switch back to windows 10 before trying any linux. I have 2 programs that appear will only work in windows. Garmin express & Norton 360. Norton I can live without I see there are some free antivirus programs for linux. I found with some research that Zorin is able to run with windows ? and I can use my windows program.

Might I have done something when I put windows 11 in even though I did a clean install of windows 10 ? Wouldn't putting a clean install of windows 10 undue any changes I made to get windows 11 in ?

Would it help to try and put windows 11 in again or put in windows 10 again ? The settings that I am being told to go to are not showing up ?
I have an even older machine 2009 and no issues getting linux lite on it. used balenetcher and made a bootable usb and off I went so I dont know what else to try here.
I only have one other computer but it is a chromebook so not much resources in it. I did get linux peppermint in that and it is running ok. That took many tries so dont really want to mess with it :)

Any other ideas ?
toshiba laptops are great I love them, however they are old and not making them now so your laptop is older. I have noted that many older laptops lack the ability to boot on USB at all. From above it sounds like you have everything set and you have been helped, but the issue may just be that the Toshiba system is too old to boot from USB. Burn the image to a DVD and try booting the Toshiba from the DVD. Keep in mind that windows 10 tends to override settings and boot options so do make sure that secure boot and fast boot are off. This means in windows also. You need to go to the control panel.

1.. open control panel
2.. Go to power settings
3.. click on something similar to "What to do when you close the lid"
4.. Click the link to change unavailable settings
5.. Turn off fast boot
6.. turn on the hibernate option (not necessary but nice)
7.. close it up

Now you will be able to keep windows out of your way. Since you clearly can get into the bios, set the boot order so that the DVD is before the HDD.
I know that booting from DVD is horribly slow but that may be your only option in older systems especially Toshiba.
The computer I am using is 12 yrs old,but I have just installed Linux life in a Toshiba Satellite that is from 2009 using the usb.
to install from DVD wouldn't I still need to change the boot order? That is where I am stuck.
currently uninstalling later quality updates to see if that resolved the problem
The computer I am using is 12 yrs old,but I have just installed Linux life in a Toshiba Satellite that is from 2009 using the usb.
to install from DVD wouldn't I still need to change the boot order? That is where I am stuck.
currently uninstalling later quality updates to see if that resolved the problem
it is tough to know what each model had in the bios. Some will boot USB most will not and no way to tell until you try. A 12 year old system is on the cusp of when they started USB booting.

Short answer yes you would have to change boot order in BIOS. my suggestion is this order. It should be under "advanced" or "boot" in the BIOS.

1... CD/DVD
2... USB (if it exists as option)
3... HDD

that boot order will get you started by either USB or DVD depending on the system capabilities.

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