Today's article has us finding out when a file was created...


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Jul 23, 2020
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This can be handier than one might first think. It's also in the terminal, though there's likely a GUI way to do this in your file manager.

Feedback is awesome.

I can think of one use, that is if a sound recoding would be permitted as evidence in Court and an allegation that a file has been tampered with. I guess if ls -l shows creation date at the time it was created that might be sufficient to show the file is original ?
I am sure it gets used for forensic purposes. Unless there's evidence of tampering, like the file modification date, it should be sufficient for evidentiary purposes.
There is a difference between ls -al output and "Birth" of the file:
[yips@ops ~]$ ls -al ipaddrlog.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 yips yips 462 Jun 18 20:28 ipaddrlog.txt
compared to:
[yips@ops ~]$ stat ipaddrlog.txt
  File: ipaddrlog.txt
  Size: 462             Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 814h/2068d      Inode: 14685763    Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/     yips)   Gid: ( 1000/     yips)
Access: 2022-07-14 13:30:56.906664959 +1000
Modify: 2022-06-18 20:28:39.466996107 +1000
Change: 2022-06-18 20:28:39.466996107 +1000
 Birth: 2021-09-15 09:51:30.696720519 +1000
Nice. You should definitely add that as a comment.
this is what i get with stat on vanilla Arch :

[andrew@darkstar:~/Desktop][1]$ stat --printf='%T' myfile.txt             (07-25 08:50)
device  2052
inode   683065
mode    33188
nlink   1
uid     1000
gid     1000
rdev    0
size    6
atime   1658734760
mtime   1658734760
ctime   1658734760
blksize 4096
blocks  8
[andrew@darkstar:~/Desktop]$ which stat                                           (07-25 08:51)
stat: shell built-in command
captain-sensible's code output included:
atime   1658734760
mtime   1658734760
ctime   1658734760
This output about "myfile.txt" appears to show that file access time, modification time and change-of-file-attributes time are all the same, which one would expect of a file written once and not subsequently altered. What would the result look like for a file that was written, modified at a later time, and perhaps underwent a change of attributes?
strange one, file was on my Desktop , so i assumed didn't need sudo ..but ...
[andrew@darkstar:~/Desktop]$ sudo stat --printf="%w" myfile.txt           (07-26 09:54)
[sudo] password for andrew:
2022-07-25 08:39:20.060910414 +0100%

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