Switched to Linux.


New Member
May 25, 2024
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Dear Linux Users,

Quick Introduction:

I am using Fedora version 40 with the KDE Plasma Desktop Environment.

Why I Chose Linux:

Switching to Linux has been an eye-opener for me. The capacity to tailor and personalize my desktop environment, courtesy of open-source software, has revolutionized my computing experience, among other benefits.
I apologize if my previous question was off-topic and for this forum's community.

I'm not sure what was better for me, the switch to Linux or Leaving Windows behind, it's almost like discovery of a new continent due to climate change. (ex. ancient people migrated due to climate change and discovered new fertile lands)
Welcome to the Forum.
Why I Chose Linux:

Switching to Linux has been an eye-opener for me. The capacity to tailor and personalize my desktop environment, courtesy of open-source software, has revolutionized my computing experience, among other benefits.
Why I chose Linux:

I was board one day and tried Linux no other reason than that as I was always happy using Windows OSs.

I use Linux nowadays because it's free and I'm a cheap old bastard no other reason.

The Wife uses Windows and on occasion I will use Windows if I'm sitting in front of a Windows computer.

An OS is an OS they all work well if you keep them updated and maintained.

Come the first of 2025 or before the Wife may but a new Windows 11 desktop or a new Apple desktop.

The Wife tried Linux and used Linux for a couple of months or so and decided that she likes her Windows OS better.

So now we wait and she what she decides to buy Apple or Windows.

Personally I don't care as long as she's happy I'm happy. ;)

Welcome to the forum @linux_anand enjoy your Linux that's what's really important with Linux is to have fun while using Linux.
Hello and welcome. :D
Welcome to the forums
Welcome to the forum @linux_anand enjoy your Linux that's what's really important with Linux is to have fun while using Linux.
Ab-so-lutely. I couldn't have put it better. If you don't enjoy doing something, it will always seem like a "chore".

I simply got to the point where, after 30 years of using Windows, I was fed-up with it. EOL for Win XP, a decade ago, seemed a good point to try summat else. So; I took a look at Linux - tried out a few (as you do) - found the one that best suited me, annnd.......I haven't looked back since.

Nor shall I. I'm having more fun now than I have had for many years!

Enjoy Linux. WE do..!

Mike. ;)
