Streaming video. I can hear it, but not see it, anywhere. And a new one this time...

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
Reaction score
This is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. I'm still learning my way around Linux Mint and I'm impatient. I usually just restart the PC rather than find out what's going on.

I'm here to find out what's going on and how to fix it without rebooting my laptop. Previously this has only happened when I was streaming video or IPTV on Firefox.

This is exactly what was going on when it happened this time.
  • Mint is fully updated
  • 2 instances of Firefox open
    • Streaming the news in one of them
  • Writing a document in Libretext
  • One Ungoogled Chromium window
    • Went to a website to paste the text of the document I just wrote.

  • Everything I had opened closed.
  • I can't open my LibreOffice or the partially saved document I was working on.
  • I can still hear the news show streaming in Firefox, but there are no tabs or windows showing that or the other tabs I had open in Firefox.

This part is kind of a joke, but sort of isn't. ;-)

My favorite show is coming on in 37 minutes. I'd like to get this taken care of in that time so I can SEE the show I like as well as hear it!

I guess I kind of solved this... But I don't know what caused it or how to keep it from happening again....

I can't take a screen shot... Rt clicking on Firefox icon and selecting anything 'recent' reopened my previous session. I also have my Libre document again...

No, nope I did not solve this. What does 'recent >' have to do with an open Libre document and a different browser?

It happens 'linuxmint-22-xfce-64bit.iso' seemed to install and reboot normally on my Dull NoteBook, but... Well, initially its WiFi feature disapeared before i could set a connection, then at a later time (after rebooting), the oddest crash occured while playing music on YouTube: it was stuck in a short sound loop and only responded to a hard reset. Watching iP-TV VLC crashed much more often than on other Linux systems i'm evaluating, even Hypnotix didn't behave as usual: it felt sluggish in some atypical way... Ah and my wireless BT headphones went through multiple disconnect/reconnect cycles too - all in a matter of only a couple hours at best.

So, that's no hint and much less pointing at a cure but at least we ain't alone, there's two of us and possibly more.

Good day, have fun!! :p
G'day Sherri - remind us how much RAM your system has.

I am guessing here but -

Your Mint uses Systemd as an init system. Systemd includes a daemon called OOM (Out of Memory) which as part of its operation runs a service called systemd-oomd.

I suspect you are asking too much of your computer by running, effectively, three (3) instances of open browsers, and you LibreOffice Writer.

You can check for the presence of OOMD by first (with no browsers open, nor Libre Office) opening a Terminal, and enter into it


Find the part near the top of the output where it shows memory figures.

Then open each of your browsers and LO as you have done previously, but one by one look at how the memory figures change.

Also look in the changing entries below to see if something featuring OOMD appears.

You can stop top with either of q for quit or Ctrl-c

I agree....ram most likely is playing a part here....I would be surprised if it wasn't

On the finding of what you had running etc...lib office etc etc....
click on menu, and at the bottom of the list it should be showing 'recent files'

Just a thought as Software Manager there is an app called 'Resources'

I have it on my panel
Among other things it shows as in the screenshot below...
Seriously off topic....I just discovered this link(s) elsewhere on this forum

@Egzoset, have you considered a reinstall ? What is the current status of your LM22 ?

The 'problems' I am seeing with 22 appear to be quite varied.....nothing constant so far.
have you considered a reinstall? What is the current status of your LM22?

The setup is as fresh as it can get and the rest remains untouched (e.g. no manual BiOS/uEFi changes, not to mention it's got its own uEFi System Partition...), while my initial purpose was limited to finding out what's "ready" out of the box anyway. On a side note, that's still an improvement as it wouldn't install via my external YUMi-exFAT USB unit before...

Well, having an evaluation tool other than 'HardInfo' might help with further comparisons using more objective numbers. Any suggestions?
I would most definitely reinstall. 22 has not been around long enough to make much in the way of suggestions possible,

Start a fresh topic with it.
I already got a thread dedicated to similar topics, i'll update eventually. Thanks.
fwiw. I just booted LM22 on a spare ssd as a live version..... and then installed it.

Did the upgrade (being careful to place a Timeshift snapshot in place, First )

41 minutes later, all done and dusted, and running like a champ.
It was a slightly more suitable experience compared to LM22 Xfce, but that's too early for me to come to conclusions and i must collect some numbers when ready. That setup sure felt straightforward enough.

I developed a pounding headache not long after posting this. My face hurts! My eyes hurt! Sound and light hurt!

No, I haven't been diagnosed with migraines but my mom was. I have all the symptoms. Luckily for me, Excedrin, a dark room and ice wrapped around my head wipes it out every time!

Unfortunately, this time I didn't have any Excedrin or ice. It took 3 days to go away.

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